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Business Comes in all Shapes and Sizes, says Aina Sivceva of Adsterra

kokou adzo



Aina Sivceva Adsterra

We talked to Aina Sivceva of Adsterra about digital advertising, and she had the following to say:-

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Aina Sivceva: Luckily, none of my relatives got sick, and I hope it will stay the same. It’s a very strange period of time, and it frustrates me a bit. One of the reasons is that I can’t meet my parents for a long time because of COVID-19: they live in another city and traveling is too risky for them. Nevertheless, I also see this as a time to learn to appreciate simple pleasures in life. I’m very thankful for small things like having a coffee in my favorite coffee shop or meeting colleagues in the office.

Tell us about you, your career, how you joined Adsterra.

Aina Sivceva: I studied Economics and took my chances in different advertising agencies after graduation. So when I joined Adsterra network 5 years ago, I had zero experience in Affiliate marketing. I started as a junior advertiser manager, and after a few years, I was promoted to head of the CPA department. 

Nowadays, my responsibilities are setting goals for the team, structuring sales plans, and mentoring team members. I’m playing an integral role in new business pitches and hold responsibility for the effective onboarding new clients.

How does Adsterra innovate? 

Aina Sivceva: Our business is changing rapidly. What is relevant today, tomorrow is trash already. To stay successful in the affiliate field, you need to create trends, not follow them.

For example, this year, we have created our own advertising format, which we called the “Social Bar.” It’s a new format, fully customized, something that we’ve developed ourselves.

And now everyone can access this magnificent new ad format to test mobile content, VPNs, sweepstakes, dating offers, or any other vertical.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Aina Sivceva: Adsterra is an advertising network that works without interruptions, even in the most challenging times — most of the staff had been moved online to ensure safety alongside smooth operation. Account managers are working safely from home 24/7 to help their clients earn on ads.

Quarantine and crisis are not only about difficulties but about focusing on the highest priorities and discovering new earning opportunities. This is especially relevant in this time of overall income drop. With Adsterra, you can stay home with your family and make money online via Internet ads, even if you don’t have your own website. It may sound like a fantasy, but Adsterra made it real with a direct link solution.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Aina Sivceva: During the last 5 years with Adsterra, I learned a lot, gaining my hard skills as an accounting manager. I got rich experience in sales and affiliate marketing. And I’ve improved my soft skills as a team lead. But the most important lesson I’ve learned — to achieve the best results, you always need to listen to every team member, be ready to discuss issues, and not be afraid to ask questions.

How do you deal with stress and anxiety?

Aina Sivceva: It’s very important to stay calm, especially nowadays, so I take long walks with my dog. Stretching practices at the office before the workday used to be a big help to start a day well-rested. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Aina Sivceva: Competition in digital advertising is high nowadays. Many years ago, when we just started, we were pioneers in this field, thereby strengthening our position and becoming one of the market’s leaders. I see a lot of new companies entering the market now, and they realize the severe development challenges facing the competitive environment.

Even though we are the leading network, we keep working hard on internal updates in order to provide the best customer service. 

Your final thoughts?

Aina Sivceva: This year was challenging for every company: we all learned to work remotely, became great at holding meetings on Zoom, reorganized business processes, and even hired via video call!  

We’ve got big plans for the coming year. We have great ideas that we are ready to implement in practice. My colleagues inspire me a lot — they are always up to innovative and intricate calls, ready to reach set goals and go beyond. 

Your website?

Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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