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Amy Buckalter Tells Us How Pulse is Transforming the Intimate Care and Sexual Wellness Category

kokou adzo



Amy Buckalter Pulse

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?  

Amy Buckalter: Thanks for asking. It’s been an adjustment for sure, but everyone is doing fine so far. Now, if only we could stop the climate fires that are severely impacting our air quality in Seattle, we’d be even better.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Pulse

Amy Buckalter: Following a full career of building industry-leading brands in the sporting goods business and then managing my growth strategy consulting firm, I moved into the entrepreneurial world, founding Pulse several years ago. Our company, Pulse (, and the product innovations were a direct outcome of my experience navigating through the challenges of menopause; I was compelled to reinvent the archaic and unsatisfactory intimate lubricant experience. Little did I know at the time that we would be creating a brilliant set of products that would be highly attractive to both men and women from their 20s to their 70s. Designing a technology that would find its benefits illuminated during a pandemic. 

How does Pulse innovate? 

Amy Buckalter: We have created the world’s first convenient, clean, and comforting device and consumable delivery platform for personal care. Think about us like modern Apple design meets Nespresso / Nespresso Capsules for functionality. Our Pulse Warmer is the device (like Nespresso), and our Pulse Pods (like Nespresso capsules) are filled with luxurious and healthy formulations. We have engineered the technology specifically for personal care in that it’s a hygienic delivery system (no contamination), touchless (easy and clean), warm the formulations (soothing and comfortable), and dispenses in precise amounts (mess-free).  

We have debuted in the intimate care and sexual wellness category – our Pulse Pods are filled with FDA cleared safe, healthy, and luxurious premium intimate lubricants and all-natural plant-based massage/body oil. In the future, we will be expanding the platform into skincare, beauty, babycare, and other categories that will benefit from the invention’s attributes and consumer experience improvements.

We have 128 global patents and trademarks filed on the products – 93 are already issued)

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Amy Buckalter: COVID has actually accelerated our business opportunities. Because our products and technologies include touchless and hygienic dispensing, healthy premium superior ingredient formulations, and soothing warmth when dispensed. COVID has illuminated Pulse’s benefits and delivered comfort and safety to customers’ concerns about contamination and contact. We are thrilled to provide consumers with joy and comfort at this unprecedented challenging time for individuals, couples, and families. 

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned? 

Amy Buckalter: Difficult choices are inherent in the very fabric of a start-up or early-stage company. How to be prudent with spending, pivot when speed bumps occur and be resilient. Lessons learned; nothing new, stay in the course – continue to be resilient, agile, and explore solutions for unanticipated issues. 

How do you deal with stress and anxiety? How do you project yourself and Pulse in the future? 

Amy Buckalter: Stress and anxiety… best way to deal with that for me is exercise – and a great cup of coffee (or 2… or 3) early in the morning when I do my best thinking. In terms of the future, the Pulse team is thrilled about our opportunity to continue transforming consumer experience in intimate care delivering a far superior quality of life and experience to using the alternatives. We’re also excited to bring that same level of elevated performance and gratification to other categories and uses.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game? 

Amy Buckalter: We are currently the leader and first mover in the device and consumable products/platforms for personal care. And we have patented our invention too. In terms of the formulations, we’ll continue to focus on what the consumer wants – and today, that means healthy products, include no harmful chemicals, are hypoallergenic, so no irritants, use premium grade products – including natural and organic, and feel luxurious and rich to the body. We’ll continue to mine the consumer’s desires and let them be our guide to meeting their needs and exceeding their expectations.

Your final thoughts? 

Amy Buckalter: Pulse, is the comfort you deserve… we all deserve.  

Your website?

Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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