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How a Leading Canadian PR Agency Handles Covid-19: One-on-one with Rose PR Founder, Ashley Rosenberger 

kokou adzo



Ashley Rosenberger Rose PR

We talked to Ashley Rosenberger of Rose PR about the PR arena and this is what she had to say.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Ashley RosenbergerWe’re doing well; thank you for asking. This past March, when COVID became a “reality,” I’ll admit I was quite nervous and anxious. Over time, my family and I have learned to live our “new normal” and are thankful for our health and stability. 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Rose PR?

Ashley RosenbergerI am the Founder of Rose PR – a Canadian lifestyle-based PR agency. My agency specializes in media relations, brand consulting, social media management, corporate communications, experiential events, and influencer marketing. We are also fully bilingual. 

Before entering the PR arena formally, I had 20 years of practice as a social butterfly whose favorite past times included networking, solidifying relationships, and mastering the art of interpersonal communication (I am an only child, I needed to keep myself occupied!). While pursuing my undergraduate degree in Political Science at McGill University, I spent a summer in NYC working at an Entertainment PR firm where I was exposed to the effervescent world of 24/7 communication and the optimization of various brands. My love for PR immediately grew from there. After receiving my Bachelor of Arts, I immediately pursued my second degree at McGill – a Graduate Diploma in Public Relations. Once I received my degree, I received the exciting opportunity to intern, then work at a local agency in Montreal – and my love for PR was further solidified. 

After building an extensive roster of media and business contacts throughout Canada, I realized I could go out independently (despite many moments of self-doubt!). In 2014, I founded Rose PR. The rest is history.

How does Rose PR innovate? 

Ashley Rosenberger: PR, at its core, is all about creativity and innovation. As a PR pro, our job is to make sure our clients are continually being presented in innovative and creative ways that make the public want to try the product or live the experience. We are frequently employing unique ways to communicate the given brand with each of our clients through targeted campaigns, activations, social media, etc. 

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Ashley RosenbergerAt the beginning, it was tough. A lot of what I do requires the “in-person experience” (product launches, media events, etc.) in my work line. With COVID, the “in-person experience” has been taken away, and we had to rethink how we approach our launches and activations. However, we got creative (as we typically do in our line of work!) and pivoted towards virtual events, 1:1 activations, live experiences that media or influencers can do at home, etc. 

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Ashley Rosenberger: When COVID first began, a few of our clients put their retainers on pause, which was extremely nerve-wracking. Luckily, our (Canadian) government implemented various programs and loans geared towards small businesses, which helped me sustain my business during the first few months. I am proud to say that I didn’t have any layoffs! 

How do you deal with stress and anxiety?

Ashley Rosenberger: In my business, stress, and anxiety comes with the job! In my opinion, the best way to curb these feelings is through 1. Staying as organized as possible – write everything down, give yourself to-do lists, deadlines, tick them off when you’re done, etc. 2. Giving yourself 1 hour a day to wind down (whether through exercise, reading a book, watching your favorite show). You always need to give yourself some “me” time – otherwise, it’s easy to get consumed by all the noise and work! 

Your final thoughts?

Ashley RosenbergerKeep on going. Times are tough, and the uncertainty can be terrifying – all you can do is keep on going, stay motivated, know this will eventually pass, and do everything you can to come out on top. 

Your website? 

Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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