Avinash Saxena Tells us How and is Redefining the Online Content Setup for Blockchain and Technology

We talked to Avinash Saxena of and about the latest insightful stories on technology, web, social media, business, entertainment, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. He is what he said about it.
First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?
Avinash Saxena: Thanks for asking. We all are doing fine during this pandemic. Since we are based in India and Covid cases grew exponentially in the past few months, we follow all the precautions as much as we could. I am hoping 2021 will provide us with a vaccine against the Coronavirus.
Tell us about you, your career, how you founded and
Avinash Saxena: I am the founder and editor at Abrition Networks that currently operates two separate content websites that include; and I grew up in the lands of India’s capital, “New Delhi” and got my Bachelors in Management and Marketing degree at the College of Vocational Studies, Delhi University.
That being said, I was always inclined towards online content creation and inspired by the story of Mashable’s Pete Cashmore, I founded in 2011 that covers auxiliary content across tech, lifestyle, and finance. Gradually, the site managed to attract nominal revenue, which led to the expansion of the website.
At the end of 2017, We all witnessed the crypto boom and Bitcoin’s sky-touching price that led to the creation of numerous self-proclaimed crypto gurus and experts who were just leveraging on the uncertain nature of blockchain or cryptocurrency as a whole. So I decided to create that could offer authentic information related to cryptocurrency and cut the noises of fake crypto calls etc.
How does and innovate?
Avinash Saxena: To be honest, when it comes to content creation or media website, then innovation has a different meaning altogether. We try to capitalize on publishing the authentic content instead of reframing the already known news event. We’ve recently developed a set of parameters to review and rate various cryptoexchanges and cryptocurrencies (similar to the approach followed by credit rating agencies to rate securities)
How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?
Avinash Saxena: Since we operate mostly through online mode and the majority of our correspondents working remotely, so coronavirus pandemic did not affect the administrative functioning of our units. But being a media site, we heavily rely on our revenue sources through sponsored posts and advertisements from clients. Consequently, in the second quarter of the calendar year, when the impact of the pandemic was at the peak across the globe, we had to face a sharp cut in our revenue since advertisers were not in a position to pay for the inventories.
Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?
Avinash Saxena: Yes, there were several arduous choices that we had to adapt. This includes laying off a number of freelancers to overcome the monetary shortage.
But I’ve learned that in times like these, it is extremely important not to lose composure. You have to make an adaptable and flexible approach towards situations in general to bypass the complexities of life.
How do you deal with stress and anxiety?
Avinash Saxena: Personally, heavy weight lifting and reading habits help me get rid of any sort of stress or anxiety. Also, this pandemic and lockdown taught us one thing that humans are social animals, and we all are interdependent on each other in some way or the other. I ensure that I am in constant touch with family, friends, and near ones.
How do you project yourself and in the future?
Avinash Saxena: Well, I want to be the global voice for blockchain and decentralized finance, and the idea is to educate as many people as I can about the usability of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.
Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?
Avinash Saxena: We have countless competitors when it comes to online blog and content publishing journals. And since we’ve managed to stay in the industry for almost a decade now, we are planning to reinvent our content strategy to reach out to as many targeted viewers as we can by furnishing authentic and valuable content constantly so that we can occupy a substantial position in the arena.
Your final thoughts?
Avinash Saxena: Corona pandemic has shown us in many ways that we can’t rely on traditional methodology to overcome the systematic challenges. Hence, it is time to make a paradigm shift to digital platforms and services to create a sustainable foundation for the near future. Also, the skyrocketing pricing of Bitcoin again showed that blockchain technology is here to stay, and the future of banking is going to be decentralized.
So those who are looking to expand their entrepreneurship vision into blockchain technology, then it is the prime season to immerse.
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