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Mightyseed – When a Seed Called Crisis Grows into New Opportunities

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Bonny Sunny Mightyseed

Bonny Sunny of Mightyseed tells us how the Innovative design company navigated through the pandemic.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?  

Bonny Sunny: Fortunately, our entire team and their families survived the crisis and stayed healthy. We are also able to continue our services without interruption, thanks to the technologies. 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Mightyseed.

Bonny Sunny: Even though Adithyan and I started this two years ago, the groundwork for this began 3 years ago before that. After completing my Post Graduation in Transportation and automobile design, I started working as an Industrial Designer in a design consultancy. I met Adithyan there, who was working there as a Design Engineer. We worked on several projects together, and mostly we had to team up on the premium projects and high priority ones. We did share a good rapport, and some of my works that got good appreciation had good contributions from Adithyan. His engineering skills, aesthetic understanding of requirements, and the passion we shared during our workdays planted the seed of Mightyseed.  

How does Mightyseed innovate?  

Bonny Sunny: We work systematically creating a large number of ideations, brainstorming the ideas, and carefully filtering the best solutions. Our creativity is open-ended at all stages of product design and development.

We came up with a unique process that covers end to end activities of a company. We address the needs of management, employees, and clients under one roof called 6-FIG. The unique characteristic of this process is it’s very intuitive and helps us lessen the efforts to manage the project and maximize the creativity part.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your business finances? 

Bonny Sunny: The pandemic started just a few months from the day we began our operations at Mightyseed. We experienced volatility in the inquiries, and there were delays in feedback on ongoing projects at that time.

We quickly reworked our strategy shifted our focus to online events, and revamped our website multiple times as pandemic restricted the movement; soon, the new normal created a need for new products, and we were busy addressing those.

Did you have to make difficult choices regarding human resources, and what are the lessons learned? 

Bonny Sunny: No, we always make sure our team is safe and stay with them to overcome the crisis. But we stopped new intakes temporarily to sustain during the unpredictable times. 

How did your customer relationship management evolve? Do you use any specific tools to be efficient?  

Bonny Sunny: We directly handle our customers, thus greatly reducing the chances of communication gaps. We use Microsoft teams, and we can add our client’s team into the collaboration app; it helps us share and get instant feedback. 

Did you benefit from any government grants, and did that help keep your business afloat? 

Bonny Sunny: The Indian government provides many schemes for start-ups and to-be entrepreneurs, but unfortunately, not many of those are applicable for service providers like us. one such support from the government we were able to utilize is the Incubation facility called PSG STEP. On the other hand, we built our company by keeping sustainability in mind, and the strategy is to keep the recurring expenses at the minimum and maximize asset accumulation. Since our business nature is also driven similarly, mostly we charge a one-time fee for the projects and not monthly.

Your final thoughts? 

Bonny Sunny: The global pandemic made a huge impact on the way we think and how the market works. We see a new wave of opportunities in this new world with rising competition between brands and awareness of design and its importance in many companies from lower-tier cities. In the coming year, along with scaling up the Mightyseed Designs, we plan to launch our merchandise store online. 

Your website? 

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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