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Christian Carella Search Remotely

Christian Carella of Search Remotely tells us how remote workers can search for jobs, learn skills & find the space to be more productive.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Christian Carella: Amongst the covid-19 crazy times, I am doing well. I followed the social distancing rules and wore masks, and a lot more time was spent at home.

International travel has been off the cards, so I have been traveling around Australia instead, flying to Queensland next! 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Search Remotely.

Christian Carella: I have over a decade of experience in corporate IT. Lived in London for around 13 years and managed to travel to over 50 countries. I had since moved out to Australia around 7 years ago. 

A few years back, I started to see a trend in technology, and the barriers that we once faced had been lifted. The vast majority of office work could be done remotely, and I saw the future of work in front of me. Since then, I set up my company, Search Remotely, with the primary aim to help individuals to be able to work remotely and help companies to scale up their remote teams effectively through recruitment.

How does Search Remotely innovate? 

Christian Carella: Search Remotely drives innovation by continually listening to our customers and always watching future trends so that we can stay ahead of the curve. Since covid-19, the world was forced towards working from home and remote work. Employers who were once skeptical in allowing individuals to work from home have now had the data over the last year and have seen that the work productivity increase and employee morale have risen in many cases.

Search Remotely is one of the world’s leading online platforms for remote workers. On one side, we have thousands of remote and work from home jobs listed for job seekers, and we also have an online academy where individuals can build further skills so that they can get hired into a remote job. On the other side, we work directly with hundreds of employers who are looking to hire high-quality individuals and remote workers for the remote positions they are hiring for. We have a team who source, interview our own pool of candidates, and then work closely with the employers to ensure they get the best hire for that position.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Christian Carella: Since the Coronavirus pandemic, our business has seen triple-digit growth. The amount of job seekers that are searching for remote jobs has gone through the roof. Employers who now accept remote work are the new way of working and have come to us directly searching for high-quality remote candidates. We have been responsible for placing a huge amount of candidates now into remote jobs. 

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Christian Carella: Sometimes, a difficult decision is to pivot your business in a way that suits your customers. This is always the end goal; however, it requires sophisticated data analysis and getting continual feedback along with changing your ways in order to have a successful customer-centric business model.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate this crisis?

Christian Carella: Our business would not be where it is today without some of the following tools; Trello for project management, Upwork for freelancers, Google Drive and Docs for collaboration and secure storage, and Google Analytics, amongst many others.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Christian Carella: I firmly believe that having competition is healthy and provides validation to the industry that you are entering. It is important to keep an eye on where the overall market is heading. Competitive analysis is important to a degree; however, it is more important to focus on your core beliefs, instincts and listen to your customers. This way, you can stay in the game and be innovative at the core.

Your final thoughts?

Christian Carella: Remote work was previously predicted to be the future of work; now, we can consider the new normal. I believe that in the next couple of years, the vast majority of companies will become hybrid where they give employees a choice to work from the office or home, and I also believe that some companies will see this as an opportunity to decrease office space expenses. Time will tell. Thanks for the interview!

Your website?

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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