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StaySafe: Protecting Lone Workers during the Pandemic and into the Future

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Don Cameron STAYSAFE

Don Cameron, CEO at StaySafe tells us about cloud-based safety monitoring.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Don Cameron: We’ve been very lucky that we’ve managed to avoid the worst of Covid ourselves, although two of the family members have had it in a mild form. We have friends who haven’t been so lucky.
Our major challenge- as I guess it has been for many- is balancing homeschooling and the demands of work!

Tell us about you, your career, and how you founded StaySafe.

Don Cameron: I have over 25 years of experience in growing businesses in the IT and Telecoms sectors. I have worked for blue-chip organizations such as ICL, Fujitsu, and Intergraph, but more recently, I’ve focussed on smaller, fast-growing businesses.  I have worked in the security and lone worker space for over ten years and was part of the founding team at StaySafe, where I have led the development of the business from an early stage UK startup into the most successful lone worker app solutions provider with clients in over 45 countries on five continents

How does StaySafe innovate? 

Don Cameron: StaySafe was developed when founder Graham Mills was unable to find a suitable safety solution for his own team of lone working surveyors. Instead of putting their safety into the hands of an unfit solution, Graham decided to build his own. That link to real-world customer needs is one we maintain to this day. We use the direct feedback from our many users to inform the innovations our technical and customer success teams develop to support clients worldwide.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Don Cameron: As StaySafe has always been an agile company with flexible working practices, that means a majority of the team worked primarily from home anyway, the pandemic has not greatly impacted the products and services we deliver to our customers. It has, however, impacted many of our clients in their businesses. In some cases, it increased the needs for our solutions because they suddenly had a large number of workers working from home, and in others, it meant they required a different temporary relationship or reduced capacity. We responded to each client in the way they needed to be supported most effectively.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Don Cameron: There have been no major difficult choices we have had to make, apart from recognizing and responding to the varied changing needs of our clients during the crisis. The main lesson that was reinforced for us was the value of communication – even with staff used to working from home, it has been important to provide opportunities for both increased work-related communication and social contact.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate this crisis?

Don Cameron: Like many others, our use of video conferencing solutions such as Zoom and Google Meet has increased, and we have tried to increase the opportunity for both group interactions and individual communication.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Don Cameron: StaySafe’s mission is to create easy-to-use app-based solutions that address specific workplace safety challenges to help organizations meet their legal and moral duty of care. The main competition comes from those organizations not providing any special measures for workers or attempting to support them with ineffective manual phone check-ins, and we can show that our solution provides increased safety to employees and is more cost-effective. By using an app on their mobile phones, our users find it much easier to incorporate it into their working day, unlike having yet another device that they have to remember to charge and bring with them. Our users are at the core of everything we do, which is why we strive to keep our solutions the most user-friendly in the industry while offering the very best functionality, such as greater coverage through our unique low signal mode.

Your final thoughts?

Don Cameron: Whatever the outcome of this pandemic on working practices generally, it is highly likely that the number of employees in many industries will have periods of working away from colleagues and supervisors, whether that is at home, in work premises, or traveling, will continue to increase. It is essential that employers place suitable importance on ensuring their legal and moral duty of care to those workers, and StaySafe is there to support them in doing this.

Our talented and dedicated tech team is constantly improving our solutions and introducing new features according to customer needs and emerging technologies. Our vision is to continue to be at the forefront of safety technology and to continue to provide our customers with easy-to-use, reliable solutions.

Your website?

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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