You’re the New Master; The Global Peril Accelerates Humanity’s Shift from a 0 to a 1 Sum Game

We spoke to eiTan LaVi, Co-Founder, CTO at on how to transform any URL into a SmartLink to incentivize viral sharing and here is what he said about it.
First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?
eiTan LaVi: These are times where we must draw strength of mind, the strength of spirit, and vital resolve from our closest human connections – we can draw strength from our family, from our life partners, and our children. These are times when embracing family is most important, and can save us as we ride these wild global storms of uncertainty, fear, and doubt. Wherever we can inject and reinforce faith, trust, and belief into our lives, we must strive for it. Holding hands strongly, holding hearts strongly, with our nuclear family, with our community, with our country, and within humanity – is what can strengthen us; Love heals, friendship heals, holding hands and hugging heals, embracing brotherhood heals. We should all remember, we’re in this together, all our energies must be directed not for blaming ourselves or others, nor for any external abuse, but only to draw our friends near, and our enemies nearer. We are one humanity, and as our new decentralized web emerges, the message will become clear, we must survive together, or perish apart.
Tell us about you, your career, how you joined
eiTan LaVi: I am but a slave of the decentralized revolution, it is the single most paramount movement of our lifetimes, to move the human web from a master-slave architecture to a peer to peer architecture, from a zero to a one sum game.
How does innovate?
eiTan LaVi: allows everyone to regain ownership over the information flowing through them online. Every time you share a link on the web, you’re creating value for the owner of the link, as well as for those you refer the link to, but in today’s web, you get nothing for your contribution. With, you can now earn social and monetary capital for faithfully sharing links online. We are the first Global Referral Network – we aim to build a decentralized global economy with a social reputation as the underlying asset. Our goal is to democratize the trillion-dollar business of target audience discovery, which is currently predominated by the Google/Facebook duopoly facilitated by mindless, heartless bots.
2key enables businesses of any size to incentivize their existing user/customer/fan base to form ad-hoc social networks – allowing humans to earn reputation and cryptocurrency for helping businesses they love to find new customers, leads, installs, content views, signups, conversions, and other business results. With 2key you don’t need to know how to code, you don’t even need a site or an app. All you need is a small set of existing fans/followers/customers, and you can create a 2key SmartLink that incentivizes your current customers to become partners in your success and help you grow organically.
As a business using 2key, you only pay when the business result occurs, you only pay what you set in advance to pay per result, and you pay not bots, but the humans that help you grow as a business.
As a referrer, you get the enormous benefit of SmartLinks – which track everyone who comes after you in the referral chain, and when somewhere down the chain from you someone creates value for the link creator (the business), all the human chain leading to that business result earns reputation and money. It’s a win-win-win model empowering humans to serve humans with information online.
How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business and how are you coping?
eiTan LaVi: We are building a distributed, decentralized global social-economic network, we are a team of 20 from almost 10 countries, and have been building both the team, the infrastructure, and the product to be decentralized from day 1. The entire new web – what is referred to as web3 – is a new web for the people, by the people, and its great resilience is that it can keep on functioning even when parts of it fail. Being a distributed project we are highly resilient against such turmoils causing global uncertainties. The need for decentralized information economies will only rise as the world becomes harder to navigate physically, and as the globe becomes more dangerous for services, products, and social organizations which are centralized and hence more prone to being shut down when the centralized office location, infrastructure location, human organization/social location gets hit by unforeseen circumstances. Decentralization is the promise and insurance for survival in the 21st century, and we have been building towards this since 2017.
Did you have to make difficult choices and what are the lessons learned?
eiTan LaVi: As a service to the community we pivoted for a month to create a new product allowing service providers to put a paywall for online zoom sessions, as well as socially market those sessions. This is a covid19 initiative that we saw fitting as more and more solopreneurs and SMBs scrambled to transfer their offering from an offline, physically centralized setup, to a virtual, globally distributed one. This initiative was widely covered by global news outlets. However, as the payment itself was still requiring a layer1 Ethereum transaction, which has become very expensive over the last year, the product isn’t practically usable, and we had to make a hard choice of moving it to standby mode while returning to our original roadmap. We are however now starting to integrate ZK-Rollups utilizing STARKs to accommodate layer2 payment transactions, which will give a new breath of life to our monetary conversion campaigns – enabling everyone again to sell tokens, collect donations and sell zoom sessions via the Social Sourcing network.
What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate this crisis?
eiTan LaVi: These are our usual toolings – zoom, Trello, GitLab, GitHub, AWS, Slack, Hubstaff, etc. We use only digitally distributed infrastructure to ensure that we run a smooth global operation that has no central failure points.
Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?
eiTan LaVi: As we’re innovating in a few dimensions at once, we have competitors on various angles – Facebook/Google for target audience discovery, B2B referral software for our B2B offerings, other web3 protocols that aim to build incentive layers for the marketing industry, etc. Our main focus is to continue innovating where needed and integrate other solutions/protocols where possible. We were the first to initiate a Global Referral Network, and the first to champion the human-centric multi-step referral model as a viable alternative for robot-based marketing and business growth solutions. We see more and more players enter this field from various directions, and we do believe competition breeds excellence. We are excited about any competition and will always do our best to offer the very best product, business solution, and user experience in our market.
Your final thoughts?
eiTan LaVi: The old web has turned us from proactive searchers to passive “discoverers”, but we don’t discover anything, we’ve mostly trapped inside information feeding houses, staring at these long endless feeds which occupy our time and drain our energy. Yes, they’re free and enticing, but so is any drug at first, then it slowly occupies more and more of your time, energy, heart, and soul. It’s time for all of us to step out from behind these passive feeds that enslave us and become the new masters of the global web. This new web ushered by blockchain technology allows us as a humanity, for the first time, a true means of self-governance and liberty for all – it is a new web for the people, by the people. And for this, we must all take ownership – which means, first of all, proactivity and responsibility. We must take great responsibility for our finance, our society, and our governance as societies. Blockchain brings about new toolings to facilitate this, but with this responsibility also comes a great opportunity. If we shall so rise to the occasion to join into a network effect in value – not as before, where each additional user in Facebook brings financial value and political power to Facebook, but a new decentralized network effect of distributed social economies, like, where each new proactive participant makes everyone in the network more powerful and wealthier. These are amazing times to be alive, and it’s up to us to wake up and fight for a better destiny. This won’t come as a free online service, it will only come if we stand up to be the new servers, the new masters from which the human web evolves.
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