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Flexibility and Adaptability Not Only Helped Tech2globe to Tackle Pandemic but Enabled Them to have Consistent Growth

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Harpreet Singh Sethi Tech2globe

We talked to Harpreet Singh Sethi of Tech2globe about a digital marketing agency that cares about its clients’ traffic and sales and here is what he said about it.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?

Harpreet Singh Sethi: My family and I are doing great. We have been taking all the precautions to keep ourselves safe in this tough time.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Tech2globe.

Harpreet Singh Sethi: Before founding this company, I worked with big companies like “AON Hewitt”, Xerox in HR/IT operations. Then I worked with an Indian company as an IT Project Manager. Regarding founding this company, I would say it was a blessing in disguise. At that time, I lost my job and then I had nothing to lose so thought to start something on my own. I got great help from my near ones without which it was not possible to take that risk.

How does Tech2globe innovate? 

Harpreet Singh Sethi: We work with various domains but the majority of the work on eCommerce. We are partner with Amazon and eBay along with major giants in India like Flipkart. We are the company which help start-ups to set up and scale their business on the cloud. We build innovative web and mobile apps in various technologies and support them in achieving their business goals.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your business finances?

Harpreet Singh Sethi: At the beginning of the pandemic, there was a strict lockdown in the whole world thus we lost huge business and cash flow. However, we never cut down employee’s salaries. Fortunately, eCommerce businesses have grown up in this time so we got decent growth in that period. I must thank our leaders and associates who supported us in this tough time and helped the company to come out of the crisis.

Did you have to make difficult choices regarding human resources and what are the lessons learned?

Harpreet Singh Sethi: As I said, we didn’t cut salaries for the people however we had to lay off a few people but they were very less in numbers. God has been kind to us so we are growing gradually. Being a small company, we didn’t have proper infrastructure and automation to have work from home culture but our IT teams responded really well and then Operations teams supported us greatly.

How did your customer relationship management evolve? Do you use any specific tools to be efficient?

Harpreet Singh Sethi: Being a start-up and small company, we always have budget constraints in terms of tools but we do use Zoho platform for the same. Also, as we work with clients globally so every client has their own preference in using tools so we are flexible in that.

Did you benefit from any government grants, and did that help keep your business afloat?

Harpreet Singh Sethi: No, we didn’t get any grant however Indian government did launch various loans schemes but our company believes in building assets than liabilities. Unless there is an emergency or any new idea needs funding, we don’t go for loans etc.

Your final thoughts?

Harpreet Singh Sethi: On the whole, I must say that this pandemic taught the great lesson of flexibility to everyone. Every individual/company should be flexible enough to adapt to new things in various situations. One must have savings and must have plan B to tackle the tough time.

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