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Intervista a Franco Lisciani e Maurizio Basciano, fondatori di HEADU

Headu è una casa editrice nata in Italia che si occupa di ideazione, realizzazione e distribuzione di dispositivi didattici per bambini.

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First of all, how are you and your family in this period of COVID-19 emergency?

(Franco Lisciani, Maurizio Basciano) “Fortunately everything is fine”.

Can you tell us about yourself, your career and how this business idea was born? 

(Franco Lisciani) “It comes from afar: about thirty years ago I was one of the founders of Lisciani Group , today one of the leading companies in the educational games sector. Three years ago I resumed and tried to improve that long experience by founding together with Maurizio Headu , a project that must be even more innovative “.

How does your company innovate?

(Franco Lisciani) “In a direction that can be summarized in three key words: value, sustainability and digital”.

How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect your business and how are you coping with this crisis?

(Franco Lisciani) “The crisis has reduced the growth prospects of 2020 but not those of a three-year industrial plan.

We have resorted to ‘bridging’ liquidity guaranteed by the state but we are mostly recovering with our own hands “.

Have you had to make difficult choices in this emergency situation? And what are the lessons learned?

(Franco Lisciani)  “Nell’incertezza dei ricavi, è stato attivato un forte piano di saving sui costi. I nostri dipendenti sono stati messi in cassa integrazione per un breve periodo, ma ora sono tutti a lavoro”.

Come gestite lo stress e l’ansia in questo periodo e come vi proiettate, voi stessi e la vostra azienda nel futuro

(Maurizio Basciano) “Avere un contatto costante con i clienti nel periodo di lock down e pianificare la ripartenza sono attività che ci hanno aiutato a gestire l’ansia e contestualmente a prepararci a rispondere alle nuove sfide dei mercati”.

Chi sono i vostri competitor e come pensate di superare la concorrenza?

(Maurizio Basciano) “The competitors are different in the various geographical contexts and in the various sales channels. In general they are publishers specialized in children’s books who complete their offer with games or toy companies that have among the various lines an offer of educational games.

We challenge the competition with hyper-specialization, trying to respond better and faster than competitors to the needs of children and customer requests “.

Your final thoughts on this emergency?

(Maurizio Basciano) “I took advantage of the block and the inevitable decrease in workloads to refocus on the things that really matter in life and in professional activity”.

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Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at

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