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Juan Segui acceseo scaled

Juan Seguí, CEO of acceseo tells us how digital marketing improves business.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?

Juan Seguí: My family and I are fine, luckily. However, we have seen how close people have suffered COVID-19, especially at the health level. I think these are times when you have to give thanks every day when things are going well.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded acceseo.

Juan Seguí: I have completed my Bachelor’s in telecommunications engineering and my master’s in Industrial management. After working while studying for some years, in 2009, I decided to start my own company. I see an opportunity to help companies digitalize when websites, social media, and web platforms were growing. The beginning was especially nice because the results arrived soon and our clients were grateful to improve their situation.

Today, acceseo has worked for more than 500 companies in 9 different countries. And the vast majority of clients continue to work with us after many years.

How does acceseo innovate? 

Juan Seguí: We innovate in two different ways. First, we add value to what we offer to customers because we work together with them. Our vision is to be a partner, never a provider. Said that we try to stay updated about technologies and new tools they can use. If we want the best for them, we need to be faster than other companies.

Second, our team is like a family. We work to improve the quality of life of all of them. We want to keep our people working, growing, and celebrating success with us. Every single person on our team is a great value we have, so we put people in the center of everything we do.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your business finances?

Juan Seguí: In the begging, it was very hard because we had lots of customers stopping their services. We had two very hard months, and we had to stop and create a roadmap for the new scenario. We all started to enroll in more events, courses, and seminars to innovate faster and be more competitive. It was not easy, but the team was so dedicated and working so hard that the situation made us stronger than ever. After these two months, our business went to the top and finally, it was a very good year.

Did you have to make difficult choices regarding human resources, and what are the lessons learned?

Juan Seguí: Honestly, they were very hard times for everyone on the team, each with their personal and family problems. The uncertainty generated by the covid-19 caused many clients to temporarily paralyze their services since they thought that our work might not be a priority at that time. To this were also added the psychological and tension problems before the situation we were experiencing.

However, despite the difficulties, we worked hard to keep everyone on the team. Many clients discovered that it was really the time to continue betting on digital marketing, and they returned to their services. In addition, new and important clients began to work with us, and they turned out to be very positive months at the work level.

It was essential to work as a team to get out of the uncertain situation as quickly as possible.

How did your customer relationship management evolve? Do you use any specific tools to be efficient?

Juan Seguí: Our clients have always had a very close treatment from us, but this time even more so. What better than to always be by their side, write and call them to inform them of how everything is going, more communication and positive messages and, above all, patience and understanding.

We have had a few too many videoconferences, but also regular calls have been key. In some cases, physical contact has been missed, as online contact always ends up being colder. We think that human relationships matter; they matter a lot.

Did you benefit from any government grants, and did that help keep your business afloat?

Juan Seguí: Unfortunately, we asked for help when we were at the worst, which did not come due to a lack of funds.

Luckily, in just two months, we had already recovered, and it was not necessary. I think we are lucky, as many other companies had to close.

Your final thoughts?

Juan Seguí: The world has changed a lot due to this pandemic and will continue to do so. I believe that companies that reinvent themselves, innovate, and turn threats into opportunities are going to succeed. And on the contrary, whoever tries to do everything “as usual” will have a very difficult time.

What is clear is that we will continue to learn and improve every day.

Your website?

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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