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Meet the Brazilian Gaming Startup That was Praised by Nintendo

kokou adzo



Kim Kaznowski Double Dash Studios

We talked to Kim Kaznowski of Double Dash Studios on how they are creating GAMES that became part of POP CULTURE through INNOVATION and FUN. The following is what he said about it.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Kim Kaznowski: At the beginning of the pandemic, I got together with my family and everybody in Double Dash’s team to talk about this period that was about to start. We talked about how the moment we would be coming through would be hard, and everybody should have their own responsibility to make the situation better. We started working remotely, and we talked with our families to raise awareness of as many people as possible before the pandemic peaked here in our region.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Double Dash Studios.

Kim Kaznowski: Well, I am a young black man who grew up in some very diverse environments, some of them very resourceful, others bordering misery. Throughout my childhood, I was able to have contact with games from an early age, and it was always something that fascinated me. The possibility of living the stories and putting myself in someone else’s shoes and living adventures always attracted me. In 2012 I met a group of people that studied game development in their free time, and I joined them. In a little time, we became a group of friends, but as it went on, many of the members left the group, and in the end, there were only 4 of us left from the initial team. These 4 people started to think about how we could transform our hobby into a business, and in 2016 we had the opportunity to make this dream come true, so Double Dash Studios was born.

How does Double Dash Studios innovate? 

Kim Kaznowski: We give people good memories through digital games. We make products that connect themselves with the consumers and make them feel better.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Kim Kaznowski: Before the outbreak, we had a physical office where we worked together. Now our operation is fully digital, and we also tried to instruct the maximum number of people on the direction of avoiding the proliferation of the virus. On our social media and in our work relationship, we always reinforce the necessity of having the conscience that our choices impact the lives of everyone around us.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned? 

Kim Kaznowski: Throughout our trajectory, we always had to make some hard decisions. Either by having to say no to an opportunity that, although it may be good, is not aligned with your values, or even having to let people go. All of these situations, even though difficult, are necessary, and one of the most important things I learned in recent years is about respecting your values and the values of the people around you. It is important to tell this to yourself and the people around you.

How do you deal with stress and anxiety, how do you project yourself and Double Dash Studios in the future? 

Kim Kaznowski: First of all, we talk about it. As imperfect human beings, it’s important that we talk about ourselves, our weaknesses, the challenges we take on every day, and throw away the idea that perfect people exist. We understand that a part of this process is getting help from those around you. Being open to seeking help is important so that we can grow and improve on whatever issues we might have. Today I design my company as a place where people feel comfortable with each other and build games by following values that we hope will improve our society. And I see myself as leading that.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game? 

Kim Kaznowski: Nowadays, in the gaming industry, we have a lot of competitors. After all, it started to become quite easier to start making your own game. Nevertheless, currently, we know that consumers are having an ever-higher quality standard for games, so even though it is easy to enter the industry, it’s still very hard to achieve the degree of quality people seek where Double Dash stands out. Today our focus is making products that deliver high quality to our consumers, so we actively invest in research inside our company so that we can position ourselves always above our competitors in terms of quality.

Your final thoughts?

Kim Kaznowski: I would like to thank you for the opportunity to talk a little more about the game industry perspective and Double Dash’s history. I believe that these opportunities are very important for the development of our society and us as human beings. I also think that we need to talk much more about how we humans react and see things, how we are responsible for constructing better things, and making connections to share our experiences. So if anybody wants to talk or have a conversation, I will be happily available to do it.

Your website?

Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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