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Innovation is an Urgent Investment, and a Brazilian Company Wants to Help You with that, Says CEO Luís Felipe Carvalho

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Luís Felipe Carvalho AEVO

Luís Felipe Carvalho, CEO at AEVO tells us how to turn your organization into an innovation machine.  

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?

Luís Felipe Carvalho: We are keeping ourselves safe. Thank you for asking. Taking care of people and our beloved ones must be our main role as a society. Needless to say, changes became necessary, but spending more time with the family was also a very important factor to get through this unique moment in the world’s history.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded AEVO.

Luís Felipe Carvalho: For more than 15 years now, I have led initiatives that promote innovation and implement it within companies in Brazil and the world. In 2006, I co-founded AEVO, focusing on software development by demand. However, in 2016, we launched AEVO Innovate, a SaaS product to help and facilitate the innovation process in companies through the internal and external innovation ecosystem. Since then, we assist companies to boost their innovation, and we are already inserted in some of the main companies in Brazil.

How does AEVO innovate?

Luís Felipe Carvalho: Our goal is to offer a full-service innovation management platform for companies. We work with the main pillars of incentive to innovation in the business context: corporate ideas programs, relationships with startups, Universities, and labs for Open Innovation, portfolio management, and innovation initiatives.

The highlight feature of our product is how it is designed to successfully implement and drive innovation through real processes, measuring the success by providing real results. For us, innovation is not just a concept but something to be implemented, managed, and shared.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your business finances?

Luís Felipe Carvalho: Of course, the pandemic caused some impacts on our business. However, we could structure our team to perform in a remote workspace reality. Although we had clients postponing their projects, AEVO managed to conclude several important contracts and, even in a year of difficulties. We managed to beat our growth goals.

Did you have to make difficult choices regarding human resources, and what are the lessons learned?

Luís Felipe Carvalho: We knew from the beginning that facing this world crisis would be a process that would require oversight a lot our business plan. We have an incredible team, who went through great lengths to keep our business evolving, and, at the end of the day, we ended the year with expressive growth in our team, driven by the R$ 4,2 million received in partnership with the KPTL Investment Fund. In 2021, we have already hired 30 new professionals.

How did your customer relationship management evolve? Do you use any specific tools to be efficient?

Luís Felipe Carvalho: We are headquartered in a small state in Brazil, Espirito Santo, so contacting our customers remotely was not something odd to our business. Indeed, we had to adapt as a team and devise strategies to preserve human value in the process. We implemented more flexible working hours and maintained a continuous schedule of meetings, workshops, and team meetings, remotely.

Last year’s learnings allowed that, in 2021, we could develop strategies to keep our customers at the center.

Your final thoughts?

Luís Felipe Carvalho: Innovation’s investment has become an increasingly real urgency in companies around the world, mostly due to the need for adaptation and survival the pandemic has brought to the economy. In this uprising decade, the internet will have an even larger role in businesses, with the largest companies worldwide seeking further digital integration of its human resources. It is necessary to use technology to listen to your employees and dialogue with the innovation ecosystem.

Your website?

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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