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Concise Software – Building an Integrated World

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Lukas Hostynski Concise Software

We talked to Lukas Hostynski of Concise Software about providing top-notch software development services to tech entrepreneurs across the world, and he had the following to say:-

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Lukas Hostynski: All good, they are staying healthy, which is the most important nowadays. 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Concise Software. 

Lukas Hostynski: Long story short: I am one of the initial co-founders, together with my partner – Robert, who is a CTO – we founded Concise Software 11 years ago with a mission to provide top-notch software development services to tech entrepreneurs across the world – that was our ambition. 

How does Concise Software innovate? 

Lukas Hostynski: We try to stay on the cutting edge of technology, so whenever there is a new tech stack in the market or new breakthrough technology, we put lots of effort to discover what lies behind it and if we can offer it to our customers who are looking for innovative and effective solutions. That was, for example, the case with blockchain technology, where we were one of the first adopters, at least in Europe as the technology provider.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping? 

Lukas Hostynski: We were lucky enough to have clients mostly from the sectors not affected highly by the worldwide lockdown. So we mainly continue with them and provide required services. But have to admit it is a very challenging and difficult time for us. 

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned? 

Lukas Hostynski: Pandemic is a situation that forces each of us to face difficult decisions and challenges for which no one has been prepared before. Even so, we are in a good position. Our business has always been built on a foundation of digital, remote communication. Our services do not require physical presence. As a result, our team was able to quickly adapt to complete remote work. Communication in this form with our clients wasn’t problematic because this is how we have been operating for years. Handling the pandemic from a purely human perspective was quite a challenge. This situation has brought a lot of uncertainty, both in business and in life. Our role as entrepreneurs was not only the efficient management of the company. We also had to focus on ensuring the safety of the team and maintaining relationships at a level that will help to go through this difficult time. A good understanding of the situation and a flexible approach to pandemic challenges was the key here.

How do you deal with stress and anxiety? 

Lukas Hostynski: Thanks for that question! I am glad that in the context of the pandemic, we are talking not only about the problem itself but also about how to deal with it. I am lucky enough to spend a lot of time with my family – my wife and two wonderful sons. The key to mental health is also physical activity, time for rest, and hobbies. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game? 

Lukas Hostynski: There are many agencies helping their customers build digital products, although our magic formula is to stay as close to the customer as possible and be flexible enough to meet their expectations. Also, our key added value is the opportunity to add other companies from the group (TruVenturo family), which specialize in business consulting, business research and are very domain-driven. 

Your final thoughts?

Lukas Hostynski: I try to see opportunities in the current situation. The health crisis we are facing and its consequences for the economy are still a good impulse for digital change. I believe this will only speed up the digital transformation and development of platforms and apps that ease remote handling of many everyday matters. We already see a lot of interest in this sector. The development of digital services is also an opportunity to bring new technologies closer to the masses of new people. At Concise Software, we’ve been providing easy access to the benefits of technology for many years to millions of people around the world. In this dimension, the pandemic has simply indicated new areas in which we can help.

Your website? 

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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