Young Entrepreneur from India is Solving the Global Waste Plastic Pollution

Manojj Natarrajan, Director of Goenvi Technologies Pvt Ltd tells us about pyrolysis systems.
First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?
Manojj Natarrajan: Covid has been a tough time for everyone but I look at it as an opportunity to unlearn and learn new things and to upgrade my skills. In a busy world, this was like a forced family get-together.
Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Goenvi Technologies.
Manojj Natarrajan: I am a postgraduate in Mechanical Engineering. I have always been passionate about conserving the earth. The journey however started during one of my road trips to a factory when I observed plastics getting accumulated on both sides of the highway and animals eating plastic bag-filled food mistaking it for food. Plastic is probably one of the most important inventions of mankind. The durability along with strength at a very economical price has made plastic irreplaceable in various industries. The durability and the fact that it is cheap has led to us disposing of the plastic without recycling or segregating it or rather considering it as a resource. This was disturbing and the more I researched about it the more it demanded my attention. Today more than 4.8 Billion Metric tons of plastics are lying in the world’s landfills and oceans. There is an island of plastic called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean. This was the seed that led to us developing our pyrolysis systems to tackle this pollution and converting them to useful and valuable products out of it.
How does Goenvi Technologies innovate?
Manojj Natarrajan: We solved the above plastic pollution problem by converting it into fuel that can replace the crude or fossil fraction with green fuel which reduces the carbon impact of plastic by almost 95%. The fuel has a calorific value equivalent to diesel and can be used in heating applications.
Our technology is patent-pending and is called Catalytic Thermal Decomposition Technology (CTDT) based pyrolysis systems. Today we offer our clients a complete solution from design manufacturing and commissioning of plastic to fuel pyrolysis systems to sourcing raw material for them, buying back the fuel, and all technical support to make them profitable and at the same time contributing to reducing the plastic pollution.
How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your business finances?
Manojj Natarrajan: Due to lockdowns, we had to keep the business shut but also ensure that our teams are able to sustain by paying their salaries. It was tough but we will recover soon. We had to take loans to manage this.
Did you have to make difficult choices regarding human resources and what are the lessons learned?
Manojj Natarrajan: Well we believe human resource is the most important asset of our business and their value is much more than the mere salaries we as a startup can pay. We did not let them go and suffer rather we took the responsibility for standing by them and managed to pay them their salaries and support them in all possible ways.
How did your customer relationship management evolve? Do you use any specific tools to be efficient?
Manojj Natarrajan: We have a CRM to manage our leads and we connect with our customers through it.
Did you benefit from any government grants, and did that help keep your business afloat?
Manojj Natarrajan: We have been trying to get support and rants from various startup competitions so far we have won a few accolades like Climate Launchpad runner-up from Maharashtra, India, Finalist at TIE Global spirit of manufacturing awards, Finalists at NTPC Green Charcoal Hackathon, etc.
Your final thoughts?
Manojj Natarrajan: We wish to reach as many cleantech investors who can invest and help reduce the impact of plastic pollution on our ecosystem and also profit from it. We need to take action now before it is too late.
Your website?

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04/26/2021 at 5:51 PM
Our bankers have absolutely no vision to support ventures like the ones and they are so many times simply grant loans for easy and wasteful business where there is lot of competition.
Op ratra
04/27/2021 at 3:52 AM
A very good initiative.The technology n process of converting plastic waste(classified as plastic pollution) into fuel has been known n practised in India for the past two decades successfully.It is only collection n segregation of plastic waste from wayside garbage dumps or collected from households that plasticwaste is put to this judicious use,besides using as fuel in cement kilns…..O P Ratra, 27 April, 2021
04/27/2021 at 7:11 AM
Congratulation. You are a God sent Prophet to this plastic waste filled world.May God help you.