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Mili Mishra Aarrrmor Digital Agency

Mili Mishra of Aarrrmor Digital Agency tells us about a boutique digital marketing agency that is committed to meeting your digital needs.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Mili Mishra: Honestly, things were different initially when the work from the home period ended, but then it quickly bounced back as if nothing had changed. Maybe a few things like wearing a mask every day in our lives and living more hygienically by sanitizing more often; apart from that, everything else seemed normal. 

Tell us about you, your career, how you joined Aarrrmor Digital Agency

Mili Mishra: I help businesses get leads through Google Ads, SEO & Content, Email, and Social Media. Before anything, I understand the market you want to reach, the product you want to sell, and the industry metrics around it. After knowing how your ideal customer makes the purchase decision, I refine your message and the way you want to communicate it. And when all this is done, I propose and execute campaigns that are most suited for your business right now. 

My Background? Read on… 

2016, I stepped into a social sector startup. OnlineRTI transformed me. It is incredible, humbling, and eye-opening to help hundreds of people every day navigate the confusion of government offices. Old people tracing their pension to youth struggling for jobs, women fighting family disputes to professionals chasing tax refunds – at OnlineRTI, we went out of our way to help them. 

To achieve the company’s mission, I quickly grasped various aspects of marketing, sales, and product management. After gaining ownership of business operations, I wasted no time in learning the nitty-gritty of management. 

There is no magic bullet: I read theory, go through existing research, and experiment. With this recipe, I boosted customer acquisition, customer experience, and the team’s wellbeing. I even stepped up to help with B2B account management and vendor relations when needed. 

At my previous job, I could never connect to the big picture. Here, I knew exactly how my activities impacted our mission. This clarity made me bring in my complete toolkit. 

Before this, as an Idea generator led my team to build an MVP for my Stanford Ignite Certification. Made VBA macros to save time and learnt Adobe Illustrator to make a logo for a friend. These and other such experiences at Wells Fargo and BITS Pilani Goa built my foundation of solving challenges using technology. 

How does Aarrrmor Digital Agency innovate? 

Mili Mishra: By identifying the gaps. I think one of the most important things is to understand the problem and find solutions, but when you see the solution is not present in the current situation, you create one by researching. 

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Mili Mishra:  I think digital marketing transformed in the COVID-19 period. One thing that did not get affected at all was digital marketing, as we saw brands gradually migrating to digital channels. Companies were facing once in a generation challenge. The scale of the change during Covid and speed at which it happened is shinning as now most of the companies and small businesses have shown their digital presence. Even the businesses which already had a digital presence got an opportunity to innovate due to the pandemic situation. For example, Swiggy, Amazon, Zomato, etc., used their platform to work with grocery startups to meet surging online-order demand.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Mili Mishra: Yes, difficult choices are always present when you are in a responsible position, which also means moving from active experimentation to active scale-up supported by ongoing testing and continuous improvement. It was seen as the best way to move forward with such situations. 

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate this crisis? 

Mili Mishra: My tools are my employees; they are used to working in such situations with their best foot forward, which also reflects in their work for Aarrrmor’s clients. And I know patience is a virtue. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game? 

Mili Mishra: Competitors include big agencies, small startups, and freelancers. Our competitive advantage is our quality of work which includes in-depth research and experimentation as there’s no shortcuts or formulas to the ever-changing field of digital marketing 

Your website?

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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