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Muhga Eltigani, the founder of NaturAll Club reveals how they managed to successfully work remotely despite being totally new to that kind of working arrangement

jean pierre fumey



Muhga Eltigani NaturAll Club

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID19 times?

Muhga Eltigani: Both my parents work in the medical field so I cannot see them as often as they quarantine. Overall, we are keeping our spirits up through family group chats.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded or joined NaturAll Club.

Muhga Eltigani: I started making products from scratch in my dorm room back in college when I noticed that there was a void in the market for freshly made products. There weren’t any products that I felt were performing in the way that I needed for my curls to thrive. So I decided to make products out of fresh fruit. So fresh that you would need to keep them frozen to preserve its freshness.

How does NaturAll Club innovate?

Muhga Eltigani: We have a team dedicated to innovation called the Discovery team. Anyone in the company can apply to be a part of the Discovery team which has a one year term. In that group they are tasked with launching products on a monthly basis with a select group of consumers who have applied to also be a part of the Discovery team.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business and how are you coping?

Muhga Eltigani: Our team is used to being in the office together and collaborating on projects. The biggest adjustment has been not having access to our office and each other. We no longer can use our studio as often so we had to get creative in how we make marketing content. As a group we took a course on how to work from home effectively, which gave us tips on how we can better communicate. Overall, we are managing it pretty well.

Did you have to make difficult choices and what are the lessons learned?

Muhga Eltigani: The pandemic has affected our supply chain as we had delays in some of the ingredients we source as well as one of our manufacturers had to shut down. Therefore, we had so many items out of stock which worried our consumers. We shifted gears and offered our customers a free hand sanitizer with each purchase so that they know we are thinking about them. The biggest lesson we learned is how to help our community during this time.

How do you deal with stress and anxiety?

Muhga Eltigani: I’ve been cooking a lot lately and notice that I cook more when I’m stressed or anxious. Cooking helps me take my mind off of whatever is stressing me by making me excited for what I am about to eat. I cooked food from Nigeria, Thailand, India, Poland and Mexico just in the last two weeks! It’s also helping me travel the world through my ingredients.

How do you project yourself and NaturAll Club in the future?

Muhga Eltigani: NaturAll Club is a world leader in frozen beauty products. We are disrupting a category by using food science and technology to bring to hair care. We will continue to innovate the beauty category by introducing new ingredients.

Your final thoughts

Muhga Eltigani: The only thing constant in life is change. When you can genuinely grasp that message, you can act quickly and navigate your company through a pandemic.

Your website?

Jean-Pierre is a polyglot communication specialist, freelance journalist, and writer for with over two decades of experience in media and public relations. He creates engaging content, manages communication campaigns, and attends conferences to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. He brings his wealth of experience and expertise to provide insightful analysis and engaging content for's audience.


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