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Biobritte Agro Solutions Private Limited: Mushroom Company & Exporter

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Parimal Ramesh Udgave Biobritte Agro Solutions

Parimal Ramesh Udgave, Founder and Director at Biobritte Agro Solutions Private Limited tells us about the gap of mushroom products in the Indian Market.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: We are safe, and everyone is doing well. All family members were locked inside the home for some time. However, we have managed to keep them all safe. Personally, as I am an entrepreneur who is focused on a biotechnology-based startup, I really struggled to keep my startup alive. We have to keep our laboratory running. I used to visit my laboratory every day, even in lockdown, to ensure the safety of our running lab work and unit.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Biobritte Agro Solutions.

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: I am running my startup named BIOBRITTE AGRO SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED In Kolhapur District of Maharashtra for 2.8 years now. I completed my MSc in Biotechnology at Sheffield Hallam University, England. I founded this company because I studied and understood the gap of mushroom products in the Indian Market. Then I founded this company in 2018. I was working in some job role, but I quit my job from there.

How does Biobritte Agro Solutions innovate? 

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: BIOBRITTE AGRO SOLUTIONS PRIVATE  is one of the most innovative mushroom companies in India. My company is all about mushrooms. My company has different sections in terms of innovation. Firstly, Microbiology is the backbone of our company. We are currently working on 28 types of mushroom species. There is no other company in India that can compete with us in terms of this thing.

Secondly, Understanding marketing. Biobritte reached up to 3 lakhs inquiries in a span of 2.8 years. Our company understands customer behavior, and we conjugate it with digital marketing. Biobritte uses 100% digital marketing in terms of reaching customers. We are already an exporter for 1.4 years of our startup.

Thirdly, Adapting in the era of Covid-19. Biobritte managed to keep the market chain and customers in the era of covid-19. Biobritte managed to keep the same customer number in difficult times. Biobritte successfully ran in both times.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: Firstly, we had to skip in-person training events. Secondly, Our manufacturing side collapsed due to the absence of a skilled team. Thirdly, Fluctuations in product orders. These were our main problems caused due to covid-19. However, Biobritte managed to resume all operations in the first month of lockdown. We had to manage with less staff and had to work harder to continue our all operations.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: Yeah. I had to make difficult choices. Firstly, in terms of money, we were losing revenues. But still, we were running a company, and we had to keep it running. Our labs can’t discontinue work as we had to keep stocks of our microbiological work. This resulted in a lot of excess expenditures, and we lost a lot of money. We decided to keep our labs and work going whatever happens. This was really hard for me as a founder.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate this crisis?

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: Biobritte excels in Digital Marketing. Our Marketing team was working as usual in this Covid time. Biobritte used and adopted a lot of marketing tools such as buffer, zohoiqsales to deal with work.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: Biobritte really never had any competitors. But in Covid times, customers started switching local suppliers. This was really horrific for our business as our customers were always away from us in terms of distance. Still, Biobritte excels in digital marketing, and it worked very well. Biobritte managed to keep the Good and best name in the market, so our returning customers always stayed attached to us.

Your final thoughts?

Parimal Ramesh Udgave: Running Startup is really like eating broken glasses and keeping a smile on your face. Difficult times lead us to success.

Your website?

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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