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Gaptain, the EdTech Reference in Cybersecurity and Digital Competencies

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Roberto Alvarez Angulo Gaptain

Roberto Alvarez Angulo, CEO and founder of Gaptain tells us about solutions for schools and families.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: OK, thank you. Getting used to this new way of socializing and living, but I hope that we all can return to the pre-covid19 situation as soon as possible.

Tell us about Gaptain. How do you help schools and families?

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: Gaptain is a social Impact entity founded in 2017. Our mission is to educate to protect students against the risks coming from the digital field. Segureskolathe digital literacy program, offers Education in digital skills in the classroom. It trains the schools with Cybersecurity and digital competencies so that they can prevent the new digital risks to which the students are exposed.

How does Gaptain innovate? 

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: Gaptain uses video games to carry out a diagnosis in the classroom, to identify the risks that apply to students, and to customize the didactic unit ‘Prevention and digital competencies’ for students, teachers, and families.

At the same time, we carry out a cybersecurity audit in the educational centre, and we measure and monitor the impact of the program in the centre in terms of coexistence (violence – equality – well-being – competence).

Why is it necessary to train families in concepts such as security, privacy, and responsibility in the use of technology?

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: Technology and hyperconnectivity bring lots of benefits; there is no doubt about it. However, it must be considered that technology is not only a tool to achieve a purpose; today, it is a new environment where to learn, socialize, work, shop, escape, find a partner, and more.

And in this new environment, harassment suffered by many children goes beyond show hours; they are exposed to cybercriminals, hyper-violent content, pornography, and digital risks such as sextortion, viral challenges, grooming (harassment by adults on the internet), or cyberaddictions (online gambling, video games, mobile and social networks…).

This reality takes place in a context in which the age at which children receive a smartphone is decreasing. It has dropped to seven years in Europe, and the poor supervision of many parents, 51,9% do not control the content that their children watch, and there is also a lack of digital competence of citizens to make safe and responsible use of the technology.

It is urgent to train schools and families so that, as they do in the real world, they are able to protect, educate, and accompany minors in the area in which they spend more and more time, the digital sphere.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your business finances?

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: Coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of the education sector. 

This has greatly increased interest in our solution, but at the same time, it has set out the challenge of implementing the Segureskola program without face-to-face intervention in the schools. 

The closure of the schools stopped our growth, but we immediately started working on automating the Kids Centric methodology (base of Segureskola program) so that the program can be automatically implemented by the centres’ teachers without the need for our face-to-face intervention. 

This unfortunate situation was actually necessary in our case because, as a result, we have a much more scalable solution that we can offer at a much more competitive price for schools.  

The school “Montessori de La Paz” (Bolivia) has been the first center in implementing our program in a 100% online way,

How did your customer relationship management evolve? Do you use any specific tools to be efficient?

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: Relationships with a customer are now carried out through the digital channel.

Our CRM is HubSpot, and we use it to inform and to improve our customers’ loyalty; we use Linkedin to reach new customers, and we create new free valuable content in the magazine’ Education and digital well-being.’ We also use the YouTube channel ‘Digital education‘ to help and publish our solutions to the people interested in the problem we solve.

Did you benefit from any government grants, and did that help keep your business afloat?

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: Gaptain has just joined SIC-Spain2.0, invited by INCIBE. A project co-financed by the European Union that contributes 50% of the automation cost that we are carrying out. 

Your final thoughts?

Roberto Alvarez Angulo: Digital world is actually as fragile as COVID has shown our health is. It is not crazy to think that the new risk will be a digital one because the more digital we are, the more we become the target of cybercriminals who, taking advantage of the lack of Cybersecurity and people’s skills, are invoicing more than the cybersecurity industry.

Due to this situation we are living in, the health sector is today the most cyber-attacked because any hospital can avoid paying the ransom for its computer systems. Everything indicates that the next sector will be the education sector. Their minimal investment in Cybersecurity and the lack of digital competencies of their users leave them in a very vulnerable situation and makes them a priority target for cybercrime.

Your website?

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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