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Roger Beadle, Limitless : “Organisations should be looking to consider a more modern approach to customer service”

jean pierre fumey



Roger Beadle

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Roger Beadle : We’re all safe and well amongst the challenges of lockdown. My wife and two young children are adapting to the challenges of home working and home-schooling, but happily no disasters so far!

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded or joined this company

Roger Beadle : I have worked in the call centre industry for the last 20 years, previously as a founding shareholder of Semafone before founding Limitless in 2016 alongside my business partner Megan Neale, and taking up the role of CEO. Throughout my career I have come across a range of problems in CX, from low pay to high levels of employee turnover, and this can cause major issues for companies trying to provide great customer service. This is why we founded Limitless; to provide an innovative new way for companies to ensure a strong CX experience for both agent and customer.

How does your company innovate? 

Roger Beadle : We use a ‘GigCX’ model to enable businesses to harness their biggest fans to become advocates for the business. People who have an expert level of knowledge in using a particular product, or range of products a brand provides, can use our platform to accept tasks on a gig basis. This means that experts are servicing and supporting fellow customers with any queries they may have. Behind the scenes, engagements train our AI to automate answers to similar questions in the future, which means those experts can spend more time on the trickier questions, providing quality customer service.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect Limitless ?

Roger Beadle : The coronavirus pandemic has brought to light some serious operational issues that are at the heart of many organisations, and we hope at the very least this initiates change. Organisations should be looking to consider a more modern approach to customer service, and begin adopting more fluid working models. We’re fortunate to be in a position to be able to offer such a model to some of the world’s largest brands. Demand for our platform has definitely increased as companies look to address the challenges raised by Covid-19.

Why? Businesses need to tap into pools of talent they would otherwise have been unaware of, at a time where unplanned customer enquiries will have spiked. Additionally, the flexibility of experts working remotely, when people are being asked to remain at home, is a bonus when attempting to employ a ‘business as usual’ strategy.

Did you have to make difficult choices and what are the lessons learned?

Roger Beadle : We shut our London office about a week before the government mandated a work from home policy. In hindsight, we obviously made the right call, but at the time it was quite a big step into the unknown having the whole team working remotely. Thankfully, what we learned is that we’re set up well as a company to facilitate more flexible ways of working. We’re fortunate as well to have not had to furlough anybody.

How do you deal with stress and anxiety, how do you project yourself and your company in the future  ?

Roger Beadle : Spending time with my family is always a great way to unwind and rid myself of the stress that can build up as the founder of a company. Getting out for a walk or a bike ride with the kids does wonders. As to how Limitless is set for the future, our medium to long term looks very positive. Business is brisk as more and more companies are looking to Limitless to help them navigate the rapid acceleration in the growth of digital, and the breaking down of traditional working models.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Roger Beadle : We tend to compete with large BPOs in the outsourced call centre market, which is very significant – worth around $100bn. We’re in a good position right now as we’ve blazed something of a trail which the wider market is now adjusting to. We’re continuing to grow and innovate to stay at the forefront of any increase in competition.

Your final thoughts

Roger Beadle : In the last 10 weeks, we’ve moved ahead 10 years in how we think about the future of work, and the relationship between not only customers and company, but employers and employees too.  Barriers are being broken down to give employees more freedom in the way they work, at the same time as employers enjoy the greater productivity of a more flexible and agile team.

Your website and link to online video if any


Jean-Pierre is a polyglot communication specialist, freelance journalist, and writer for with over two decades of experience in media and public relations. He creates engaging content, manages communication campaigns, and attends conferences to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. He brings his wealth of experience and expertise to provide insightful analysis and engaging content for's audience.


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