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Naya Clinics’ Sam Nabil; Reinventing Mental Wellness

kokou adzo



Sam Nabil Naya Clinics

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Sam Nabil: We are well and continuing to adjust. There are some unique child care considerations that we are constantly trying to solve and balancing our social needs with staying vigilant and maintaining appropriate social distancing protocols. 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Naya Clinics.

Sam Nabil: I spent 20+ years studying and working with human behavior, human performance, and organizational behavior. I lived, studied, and worked in half a dozen countries around the world, and my work experience spans varying industries and disciplines from counseling and business to marketing and sports. 

In the middle of my career as a sports marketing manager for a reputable soccer club in Qatar, I realized I was unsatisfied because I was not doing what I really want to be doing, which is helping people reach their full potential in life. 

This sent me down a fantastic journey of self-discovery, travels, experience, education, and career change. I enrolled in a Master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling in the USA, and once again, it was time for me to pack my bags and move my entire life into a new country and a new adventure. 

Now, I am doing my dream job of helping people navigate their own challenges with their relationships, work, and life. 

I draw not only on my counseling education and experience but also on more than 20+ years of experience in organizational behavior, human behavior, sports performance, and a wide range of multicultural experiences to bring you a unique counseling experience that helps you achieve your own goals out of life, work and relationships.

Learn more here

I realized I was unsatisfied because I was not doing what I really want to be doing, which is helping people reach their full potential in life.  

How does Naya Clinics innovate? 

Sam Nabil: The Naya Clinics’ approach to innovation empowers team members to contribute something unique to them. For example, we ask our therapists to educate the public by writing a monthly blog and making a monthly video. That is the extent of the involvement of the management. Past that point, we leave it up to each clinician to be creative in what topic they want to cover and how to cover it. 

Also, we constantly encourage our team to come up with ideas for new things they want to try out and do to serve clients. We have had fantastic contributions from team members who suggested different support groups, for example. Our latest innovation was another idea from a team member to offer Equine therapy (therapy using horses) for our clients. We are very excited to complete the framework necessary to offer this unique therapy modality to our clients very soon.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Sam Nabil: Coronavirus has wreaked havoc in the way we typically conducted our work. Therapy and coaching are very personal endeavors. Many of our clients (and therapists) were struggling with not being able to meet in person to conduct the sessions. We were blessed to have already had an encrypted and HIPPA compliant telehealth solution that we were using long before the pandemic started. We coped with Covid so far by expanding our online services offerings and engaging with our clients via video for their safety and our team. One of the unintended byproducts of our increased focus on online services is that we were very fortunate to gain the trust of an increasing number of international clients as well who sought our online services and found value in working with us online.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Sam Nabil: We absolutely had to make difficult choices. One immediate consequence of the pandemic is that we closed some of our physical locations and redirected our focus on only a few physical locations, and expanded our online services suite. The lesson we learnt was that we had to stay flexible and bend for the storm. Remaining open to changing our established ways of doing our work has allowed us to both continue serving our clients, as well as stay in business! 

How do you deal with stress and anxiety? How do you project yourself and Naya Clinics in the future?

Sam Nabil: Stress and anxiety are an integral part of life, especially an entrepreneur’s life. Though not always successful, my “go to” way of dealing with anxiety and stress reminds me to stay grounded in the present moment. I have no way of knowing what the future will hold. There is nothing that can be done to influence the past. The only control I have is on what I’m doing right now, so I try to focus on that. I project myself and my company into the future by doing now/today what I believe needs to happen for us to stay competitive 10 years from now. For example, Naya Clinics is a pioneer in offering online mental wellness services. We have been using telehealth to offer online services for more than 6 years. Offering mental wellness services online was not necessary 6 years ago. Very few people engaged in it, and our face to face sessions were going strong. With that in mind, we knew back then that online services will become more popular with time and decided to invest in it. Having started 6 years ago, we gained experience, knowledge, and recognition for our online services that made it possible for us to sail the rough waters of the pandemic with more ease than many other mental wellness providers who did NOT have online services offerings and needed to scramble to find solutions AFTER the fact. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Sam Nabil: We are not trying to be pompous, and also, we do not believe we have direct competitors because our offering is unique. In a broad sense, our competitors are anyone who offers mental wellness services like therapists and life coaches. With that in mind, we offer our own very unique approach to therapy that I created myself. It is called Positive Existential Therapy, and it is a modality that only Naya Clinics providers use because it is our proprietary method. 

Your final thoughts?

Sam Nabil: I hope everyone is well and safe. These are scary and unusual times. My team and I always have your back. Reach out to use if you need support during these difficult times.

Your website?

Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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