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INTUISYZ – Digital Transformation of Your Marketing Function 

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Sijin Stephen INTUISYZ

Sijin Stephen of INTUISYZ tells us about digital marketing and software development practices.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Sijin Stephen: Thanks for asking. We are doing good. We didn’t have any infections in the family. Although there are several compromises we have to make due to COVID-19, this experience has brought the family closer together. I find that positive.

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded INTUISYZ.

Sijin Stephen: I founded INTUISYZ in 2012. I have always sought freedom for as long as I can remember. I felt I was being restricted in many ways in a 9-5 job; I felt it was the right time to take the next step. I decided to self-fund the company and grow slowly, learn and earn with time. Looking back, that wasn’t a wrong move.

Coming from the IT industry, founding an IT company was a natural move. Transforming myself from an employee to an entrepreneur was a big challenge. Today, we occupy a unique niche between Technology and marketing. We had started as a website development company; today, we have evolved into several digital marketing and software development practices.

How does INTUISYZ innovate?

Sijin Stephen: We believe in evolution. We consider ourselves more of an organism rather than an organization. Every single person is an organelle in this organism. We keep looking for opportunities to improve the stakeholders’ experience. By stakeholders, we don’t mean only the investors; they include customers, employees, and suppliers. We take a scientific approach to improving, making a hypothesis, testing them, taking feedback, and scaling up the successful experiments.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Sijin Stephen: We have been a digital organization for a long time. The only challenge we are facing is the missing non-verbal cues when we are communicating. We are learning to listen more intently to overcome this problem.

We have grown our revenues by 35% and headcount by 50% during the crisis. As a business, we have been positively impacted by COVID-19. Just like wars and other tragedies, every crisis has some beneficiaries; we are one.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Sijin Stephen: We didn’t have to make any difficult choices. We were anxious when we faced some cash flow, whether we will have to let some employees go. We decided to take a leap of faith. We trusted our customers, employees, and vendors to help us get out of the trouble if they persist. Our faith was not misplaced.

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate this crisis?

Sijin Stephen: We had a process already built into the system to enable people to work from home. This system came to our rescue in tough times. We didn’t use any specific tools; most of the tools are pretty common. I want to thank Zoom and Google productivity tools, without which this would’ve been impossible. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Sijin Stephen: Our competitors are mostly medium size companies working within national and local borders. However, we have always created and maintained a niche where we don’t see much competition. Our strategy to deal with competition is generally called the blue ocean strategy. It’s quite simple if we continue to serve our customers with the same passion, our business will have non-linear growth. 

Your final thoughts?

Sijin Stephen: COVID-19 will change the world in ways we haven’t seen in the last 50 years. Businesses that adapt to the changes will look back with a smile 10 years from now and tell a beautiful story of survival. 

Your website? 

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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