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Teodora Filovska Tells Us How Digital Marketing Experts at Vrootok are Ready to Give You Maximum Value and ROI

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Teodora Filovska Vrootok

We talked to Teodora Filovska of Vrootok about digital marketing and here is what she said about it.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Teodora Filovska: Thank you for asking this question. If there has been one big lesson that this situation has taught us, is to learn how to appreciate the most important things and people in our lives. My family and I are doing ok. Everybody is healthy and I am happy to say that so far we have managed to avoid the virus, let’s hope it will stay like that. 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Vrootok.

Teodora Filovska: I started my company back in 2017 with the main goal to help clients reach their full potential in the modern tech society, by leveraging the digital marketing trends and skills. Ever since a young age, I was fascinated by the power of marketing, and nowadays, the digital marketing world is opening new perspectives and opportunities each day, which keeps me constantly motivated and eager to learn and grow. 

Today, we work with clients from all over the world, but mainly USA, Canada, Western Europe and Australia. 

Additionally, I run a second company, a digital marketing education company which provides globally recognized and certified education in digital marketing, with diploma’s recognized by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, IBM and other big names.

I also serve as a business and marketing consultant to companies who need help with their business growth. I love living an active life and being engaged in multiple activities helps me stay motivated.

How does Vrootok innovate? 

Teodora Filovska: We innovate each day; with every strategy, we create for our client and every activity that we execute. The digital marketing world is super-fast paced and you can easily lose track if you are not always up to date with the latest trends. 

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business and how are you coping?

Teodora Filovska: I am grateful that the virus didn’t bring any bad consequences for us. What it did though is that it showed my team and I that we can be as productive as before, or maybe even more productive, by working remotely. We have been working from home since March 2020 and we realized that when you are a part of a good team, you can adjust to almost any circumstance. 

With regards to clients, our greatest focus is in E-commerce and SaaS, so we are happy that more and more clients from these industries understand the need for digital marketing services, thus reaching out to us for help.

Did you have to make difficult choices and what are the lessons learned?

Teodora Filovska: If you mean difficult choices because of Covid-19, then no. If you mean in general, yes. Being an entrepreneur means that there is a difficult choice you have to make at least once per quarter. Starting from organizational aspects, getting clients, taking care of clients, optimizing processes, innovate strategies, all the way to solving team and client struggles, I must admit that sometimes it can get pretty busy. However, I chose this job because I love it and I don’t mind being constantly challenged. Challenges help us grow and make our life fun, even though sometimes it can get too stressful.  

How do you deal with stress and anxiety, how do you project yourself and Vrootok in the future?

Teodora Filovska: I love hiking and long walks. Nature calms me and I love spending as much time as possible staying outside. Also, I regularly practice yoga as it helps me stay balanced, calm and focused. 

What I have found to also help a lot in dealing with stress is experience. The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more struggles you overcome, the more you understand how far your capabilities go and how you can manage most of the work-related challenges with reasonable thinking but also listening to your intuition.

Since I also run a second company, which is a digital marketing education company, I see both companies blended in the future, with the main goal of both educating individuals and teams, but also helping companies grow with the potential that digital marketing provides.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Teodora Filovska: Our competitor is every other agency in the world, but I don’t see the “game” as something you have to fight against. I love competition as it helps me continuously learn, grow and upgrade both my professional skills but also the skills of my team. We have shown great results so far and we are confident that we will keep growing.

Your final thoughts?

Teodora Filovska: I believe that all of the companies around the world have a lot to learn from the Covid-19 situation. It showed us that working remotely is possible, that it gives us a lot of cross-border growth opportunities and that if we learn to adjust, we can cope with the challenges that face us business-wise.

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