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Success Decides the Accuracy of the Decision Taken at the Right Time, Says Vivek Khatri of Emizentech

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Vivek Khatri Emizentech

Vivek Khatri of Emizentech tells us about software development. 

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Vivek Khatri: Well, the most challenging and at the same time non-invited, COVID-19 days affected not only the work, education, but also our health. We started by working on improving our positive and powerful attitude. Obviously, it was normal to “not to feel” normal during this phase. Still, our refreshed routine assisted us in strengthening a healthy tolerance to stress. And guess what! We started feeling safe and secure, and we find ourselves more capable to craft, learn, and adapt to the sudden change. Moreover, we started engaging positively with each other being at home. 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Emizentech.

Vivek Khatri: After completing my studies, I began brushing up my skill to make myself proficient enough to unlock the doors of leading software development companies. By serving various brands, by working on different positions in programming for over a decade, and earning considerable recognition with time, I thought of giving myself a chance to exposure. Well, as it was a start, I began my journey with a small software development unit along with a team of professional programmers. Soon, after I started looking myself capable enough to root a strong and successful Software Development Company, I sprouted the seed of a winning IT firm that’s well-recognized today as “Emizentech.” 

How does Emizentech innovate? 

Vivek Khatri: We, at Emizentech, understand that the utilization of the new ideas is important for a business process/workflow (its efficiency, productivity), and most importantly, its profitability. Innovation is a key aspect to craft distinct approaches, following which our team creates the right business ambiance to allow other team members to emerge with new plans. Moreover, our team keeps its eye on the new technologies to meet the customized needs of our clients. 

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Vivek Khatri: Well, we don’t think that coronavirus has affected our business, as before it could attempt, we just flipped its turn. We placed our employees’ health and safety measures as our top priority and started with the work-from-home option without disturbing the flow of our business towards success. We picked this option not only to close our office but to lower down the exposure of our employees to public transportation. 

We just moved with a target to follow social distancing techniques. As we were unable to travel to meet our potential and future buyers, we crossed this challenge. We picked video conferencing, webinars, web conferencing, and more to fulfill our buyer-meeting needs. 

Moreover, we gave a chance to risk management to give exposure to various processes and policies all through our distinct business departments. We just used our innovative minds to convert pandemic-panic into productive steps by following top risks and mitigation approaches. 

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Vivek Khatri: Being a CEO of a reputed firm, Emizentech, making decisions is something that comes your way most frequently. By crossing every stage of the growth successfully, I have found the best decision-maker inside me. Holding such a crucial position that’s full of critical responsibilities, making decisions is not similar to that, which is crafted for an individual. Conversely, it’s going to affect every entity that’s connected with your business. A “decision can make or break”. The right decision can save you a lot of time, money and even expand your business. 

Let’s pick an instance from the pandemic days. When the companies were targeting cost-cutting as the reflection of their anxiety about their company’s future, we were strengthening our roots to beat the approaching COVID challenges. Even we increased the size of our team to strengthen our digital presence, IT infrastructure, including company infrastructure, our digital properties, as we already predicted the transforming face of the e-commerce business amidst- and post-COVID. And, you know what, we were actually “right.” The pandemic just hit with a boom of the eCommerce businesses, and we got doubled. 

While taking the decisions, I have learned that:

  • Decision Affects Every Entity: Decision-making is not just related to our team/business; instead, it will lay an impact on every individual linked with your business.
  • Find the Right Time to Strike Right: At the right time, making the right change may become a big difference between success and failure. 
  • Consider Including Data: While making decisions, we shouldn’t miss collecting data about everything. 

What specific tools, software, and management skills are you using to navigate this crisis?

Vivek Khatri: Because of COVID-19, our team already realized that it’s the right time to come up with a new normal. To build the best approaches to locate new challenges that came with COVID-19, we focused on the following business imperatives:

  • Strengthening a remote workforce.
  • Engaged with customers virtually.
  • Team productivity tools like Trello
  • Project management tools like LearnKit, 
  • Time tracking tools like time doctor
  • We used an open VPN to provide access to all remote and local servers.
  • Safeguarded against new risks of cybersecurity.
  • Supported government services and health providers. 
  • We followed the COVID instructions given by the government within our office premises; for example – the seating arrangement was maintaining a 1-meter distance between two and more. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Vivek Khatri: Well, we think that we are only competitors. That’s why every second, we attempt hard to come up with a better version of ourselves. 

Besides, to stay in the game and to grow seamlessly, we attempt hard to know our competition, our customers, look for new opportunities for our product and services, be within the immediate reach of our customers, offer different and unique products and services, opt for various marketing promotions, etc. 

Your final thoughts?

Vivek Khatri: With the growing businesses and industries, the competition is also surging. Consecutively, it demands perfect identification of the ways that may help you to be ahead of the curve. Besides, you should be good at maintaining and upgrading your position in the marketplace. Resultantly, your company will gain acceptable recognition day by day.

The path to success is “never easy,” but remember, it’s not “impossible” also. It just demands the right time and sound effort in the right direction to catch up with success. 

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Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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