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Yana Trihub of KeyUA Tells Us About Ukrainian Outsourcing during COVID-19

kokou adzo



Yana Trihub KeyUA

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Yana Trihub: Unfortunately, the COVID-19 situation and quarantine impact almost all parts of our lives. We stay at home more and follow all the requirements and norms if we need to go out. Currently, we spend more time together, focusing on self-development and charity.

Tell us about you, your career, how you joined KeyUA.

Yana Trihub: I joined the team at the end of 2016 as a Sales Manager and became a Sales Director within a year. During these incredible 4 years, we tripled the size of our sales and software development team. Now, KeyUA provides our customers and partners with high-quality services in software, web and mobile development, UI&UX product design, quality assurance, and digital marketing. I am very proud of what we’ve achieved together. 

How does KeyUA innovate? 

Yana Trihub: KeyUA is one of the leading Ukrainian development teams working with Python, Django, and Flask. It’s our main technology for the backend. We provide our partners with high-quality staffing resources and also full-cycle development in our outsourcing department. During the past 2 years, we fine-tuned LEAN in our team and developed highly effective digital marketing services. Basically, our customers can just bring us an idea, and we’ll do everything from scratch, starting with product research up to marketing promotions and technical support after the release. 

How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your business, and how are you coping?

Yana Trihub: Before the coronavirus situation, 90% of our employees worked in the office; we all enjoyed office life. But due to COVID-19, we decided that we should follow quarantine recommendations and self-isolation to be safe. In March (2020), we made a difficult decision: to start working remotely. We do care about our employees, so to this day, almost everybody is working from home. It doesn’t have any influence on teamwork and productivity. I even noticed that some team members put in more working hours and achieve better KPI. We’re always in touch with our partners, ready to jump on a call or fix an issue at any time.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Yana Trihub: This year taught us to support each other, not only in our professional lives but in personal struggles. Our management team didn’t make any difficult choices related to cutting the staff. We saved everyone. Moreover, all of us have interesting tasks and personal plans for development. The main lesson we got in this situation is that we’re ready to adapt to any situation and do our jobs with love and high quality from anywhere.

How do you deal with stress and anxiety?

Yana Trihub: We always communicate and discuss things. We have a minimum of two video scrum sessions per day to keep everyone updated and coordinated with other team members. And we do a 1-2 hour video meeting every Friday to chat, play some games, and spend quality time together. I also know a lot of people took home pets to deal with stress. I believe it’s a lovely idea, especially if you have dreamed about that for a long time. 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Yana Trihub: We’re in the game now. A lot of competitors have not survived the quarantine! Moreover, during these difficult times throughout the world, we’ve continued to grow. COVID-19 hasn’t changed our course. We’ve increased not only the size of our team but also the number of services we can offer to our customers/partners. And each day, every employee works on improving the quality we provide. 

Your final thoughts?

Yana Trihub: COVID-19 has caused horrible changes in people’s lives all over the world. It changed the way businesses work and approach customer engagement. Yet, it also stimulated the growth of the digital space and online marketing. Following all the latest trends, KeyUA provides the most valuable services. 

Stay safe! And make your business digital if you still haven’t. 

Your website?

Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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