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A Guide on Canadian Style Resume That Wows Recruiters

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Nowadays, more people choose Canada as their work destination. They can either move to the country or work remotely. But first, they need a resume maker that wows recruiters and guarantees an interview.

The US and Canadian versions of these documents are pretty similar. But there are a few differences job seekers should be aware of. This article serves as a guide for employees who struggle with Canadian-style resumes.

Keep Personal Information Minimal

A major feature of Canadian resumes is a lack of personal information. Recruiters base their hiring on data related to work only. Professional resume writing services always keep this in mind. That’s why employees must only mention their names and contact information. The rule is so strict that recruiters don’t even allow adding personal photos to resumes.

Other information to avoid is your cultural and ethnic background. Canadian hiring experts don’t want your age, marital status, or sexual orientation. Experts also don’t recommend including physical attributes and other personal data.

Hiring managers believe that personal data has nothing to do with job searching. Instead, potential employees should focus on their achievements and strengths. This information has to be directly related to the job opening.

Start With Contact Information

If you want to land a job in Canada, you must start the document with your contact information. List your full name, job title, phone number, and email address. If you have a LinkedIn profile or website, provide a link to it.

Proceed With Work Experience

This is the part of the resume Canadian recruiters are most interested in. The majority of companies favor candidates with work experience. Job seekers applying for openings should polish this section to perfection. There are several things that will help you out.

Start with your current or most recent job. List previous positions in reverse chronological order. Each listing must include a job title, employer’s name, and location. Conclude by stating when you held the position, e.g., March 2019 – December 2022. Each role should have up to 6 bullet points. They explain your responsibilities in each position.

Next, provide a list of your achievements to the recruiters. It shouldn’t contain vague statements; provide precise details for each case. For instance, you can write, “Under my supervision, the department finished the 3rd quarter with a 25% rise in revenue.”

Add Your Education

Many people omit this section in their resumes. Yet, it might be the thing that gives them an extra edge over the competition. Add your college, university, or school, their location, and your graduation date. People who’ve just finished high school should include a GPA that’s above 3.5. Job seekers should do this only if they’ve just graduated.

Provide a List of Skills

Canadian and US resumes are similar in this regard. Job seekers should provide a list of hard and soft skills. Make sure that they are relevant to the specific job opening. Those looking for a senior developer job only have to list programming-related skills. If there are some skills mentioned in the job listing, make sure to include them as well.

Use Extra Sections

This part is instrumental in wowing Canadian recruiters. It gives job seekers extra icing on their resume cake. Listing things here can make people stand out among other potential candidates. The best things to add are:

  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • certifications;
  • projects;
  • awards

Some businesses love to see volunteer work described in resumes. If that’s the case, write only about jobs that relate to the current opening. Even if you didn’t get paid for work, it’s worth mentioning. It shows that you didn’t waste time between jobs.

Finally, don’t put any references in this section. Employers can ask for those themselves by contacting your former places of employment. The main goal is to keep the document to the point and make use of every part of the page.

Include Keywords From Job Listings

Last but not least, job seekers should carefully check the job opening descriptions. They often contain keywords that are necessary to get a resume past the ATS bots. In most cases, these keywords are related to skills and qualifications and are specific to the job posting.

Remember that recruiters often don’t have the time to read through applications. Instead, they scan resumes for these keywords. So, it’s important to use them throughout the resume.

As is the case with other resume sections, only describe truthful information. Adding skills or experiences to fit the job listing won’t work.


As you can see, Canadian-style resumes are almost identical to their US counterparts. The main idea is to keep the document professional and to the point if you can’t do it, you can ask for help here. The application has to contain all the information your potential employers might need. It’s the only way to stay competitive in the workforce market and succeed.Source:


Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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