Custom Logo Stickers for Better Branding

An instantly recognisable logo is one of the few things all highly successful businesses have in common. At a glance, their logo (or even just the colours it contains) tells you exactly which business you are looking at.
As part of a broader branding strategy, coming up with a great business logo is essential. Those who become loyal to your brand will instinctively associate your logo with your company’s main points of appeal.
Of course, coming up with a distinctive and appropriate logo for a business of any kind is easier said than done. It is also something of an ongoing process of refinement and optimisation.
Take a look at any major brand’s logo over the course of the decades and you will note any number of minor (and in some cases major) changes. What resonates with a particular audience today could be considered mundane and outdated in the future.
This is why it is essential to regularly revisit all aspects of your branding strategy, in order to ensure they are in line with the expectations and preferences of your target audience. Once you are happy with your brand logo, it simply makes sense to display it as prominently and prolifically as possible.
Precisely where custom logo stickers can help, but what makes a good logo sticker from a 2022 perspective?
How to Get More Out of Your Custom Logo Stickers
Engaging and influencing today’s sophisticated consumers isn’t easy. They are naturally sceptical (if not slightly cynical) about the branding and marketing efforts of the businesses they encounter.
Even so, research suggests that the purchase decisions of almost 75% of consumers are influenced by the appearance of a product’s packaging. A figure that emphasises the importance of quality labelling, and an attractive brand logo that is instantly recognisable.
Make no mistake about it – you don’t need to be too creative or elaborate, in order to come up with a winning logo. Think Apple, Nike, Pepsi, Starbucks – their brand logos couldn’t be simpler, and yet are memorable and mesmerizing in equal measures.
Truth is, there is no rule (or even rulebook) for coming up with the perfect logo. It depends entirely on what you are selling and on whom you are selling it to.
Even so, the following guidelines from noted branding professionals could help steer your logo sticker design campaign in the right direction:
Ensure Your Logo Stickers Match Your Brand
First up, all aspects of your logo stickers need to align with your broader branding efforts. If you have a business that champions all things sustainable, make sure your labels are 100% recycled and/or recyclable. If you sell premium products to an upmarket audience, luxurious level materials with the right look and feel are essential.
When designing labels for your products, you need to look beyond the simple visual impact of the logo itself. Think about the types of materials on offer, the various approaches to label printing, and the extent to which each is an accurate reflection of your brand.
Removable or Permanent?
You will also need to consider whether the logo labels you affix to your products need to be permanent or otherwise.
In a typical example, consider an everyday laptop from a mainstream manufacturer. Chances are, the case will be emblazoned with any number of permanent stickers – the manufacturer, the CPU, the graphics card, the operating system and various other bits and pieces showing off its most impressive features. Attempt to remove any of the stickers and you face the prospect of horrendous sticky residues being left behind.
Elsewhere, you have products like crockery, glassware, mirrors and ornaments – routinely adorned with easy-peel brand logo stickers. After being purchased, the logo stickers can be removed with ease, without leaving a trace of sticky residue on the surface. Consider whether or not your customers will want/need to remove your logo labels, and ensure their preferences are brought into your design decisions.
Exposure and Durability
The very best logo stickers are those that look as good as they did on the day they were printed long-term. When brand logo stickers deteriorate and begin looking worse for wear, it instinctively affects the way the brand is perceived. For obvious reasons, a super-shiny and perfectly presented logo sticker is always more attractive than one that has faded, bled, or begun falling apart entirely.
You, therefore, need to consider both the durability of the label and the environment it will be exposed to. Are you creating products exclusively for indoor use in controlled environments, or will they be exposed to the elements outdoors? Are they likely to be used in extreme hot or cold temperatures, or perhaps in environments of high humidity?
Where brand logo stickers maintain their visual appeal indefinitely, it sends an important message about the business behind them.
Shape and Size
Last up, the shapes and sizes of the labels you intend to print should be considered when coming up with a logo for your business in the first place. One of the main reasons the world’s most recognisable brands choose very simple logo designs is to ensure maximum scalability.
A common mistake with logo design is including the kind of intricate detail that only comes through when displayed in a fairly large size. Scale the same logo down to a smaller size (perhaps for a small promotional sticker) and information becomes entirely illegible. Hence, you need to think carefully about how visible (or otherwise) the information will be on the stickers you need.
Keeping things simple yet instantly recognisable holds the key to a great logo design. It can also make things much easier for your business where label printing requirements are concerned. The simpler your brand logo, the more freedom of choice you will have with the shape, size, and type of labels you can use to build brand recognition.
For more information on any of the above or to discuss bespoke label printing in more detail, contact a member of the team at Shop 4 Labels today.

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