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How to Grow Your Crypto Business With SEO: The Ultimate Guide

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Cryptocurrencies are quickly becoming a popular way to invest, store value, and transact. As more people invest in digital currencies, the need for businesses that support these currencies rises. Cryptocurrency businesses require a unique set of skills and techniques that can’t be found in other industries, so there’s high demand for those who understand how to operate within this vertical. 


SEO is one of the indispensable components of operating any business online, so view Google crawls billions of websites daily, and if your site isn’t ranking well in their search results, no one will find you there. The same goes for search engines like Bing. There are many different strategies you can implement as part of your SEO strategy to grow your cryptocurrency business. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything from keyword research to internal linking, building links across external directories and crawlable sites, canonicalization, image optimization, and much more.

Keyword research

Keywords are the words you’ll use in your copy to attract the right kind of audience. It’s crucial to understand exactly what kind of audience you’re trying to attract and what they’re looking for in your cryptocurrency product or service. Before you can create good keyword research strategies, you have to understand exactly what people are searching for. 


To get an idea of what people are searching for, you can use any of the online keyword analysis tools. For example, allows you to enter a keyword, choose the appropriate search volume and competition level (high, normal, or low), and get a list of related keywords and their search volume. 


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Internal linking: How to build strong links in your strategy

The best websites use internal links as “backlinks” of sorts, creating a chain of content that allows users to navigate throughout your website via various articles and pages. Internal links help search engines understand which page an individual is viewing, giving them a better understanding of where to place your site in the rankings. The best way to build internal linking is to use keywords from your earlier keyword research as a guide. 

Building links across external directories and crawlable sites

You can create a huge amount of value for your SEO strategy by creating backlinks to your website across relevant external link directories. When you link to external websites and post their URLs in your own text, you’re creating “links”. When you create links to pages in these link directories, you’re essentially “linking” them to your pages so that search engines will reward you for these links. There are many link directories for linking to other sites. Some of the most popular include: 


  • Google’s Webmaster Tools;
  • Moz’s Open Site Explorer;
  • MajesticSEO (now part of Google);
  • Ahrefs;
  • SEMrush’s Site Explorer.


Building backlinks to your site from other websites and social media pages will help Google understand where your content is located and where to direct readers. If you build backlinks to your website from other pages, you’ll want to make sure that any links you’re building link to relevant, high-quality content. You can also consider purchasing link-building campaigns from link-building services.


A canonical URL is a full URL to your site, without including any of the variants people may have used to reach it. For example, if someone types your shortened URL, “” into the address bar, this is what they’re linking to. And if someone types “” into the address bar, note that “www.” is the “canonical” version of your URL, not the “original” version that Google is counting towards your website’s link prominence. Ideally, your canonical URLs will rank for the same keywords as your other URLs, allowing them to show up in the rankings alongside your other pages.

Image optimization

Keyword-rich images are a huge boost to your crypto business SEO strategy. Images tend to rank higher in search engine results than text-only pages, so it’s crucial to make sure that your images are optimized correctly. There are some factors to consider when optimizing your images: 


  • File size: Image file sizes should be kept to a reasonable level (at least 5 MB), as Google will downrank any sites with images that are too large. 
  • File type: While GIFs and JPGs are still the most common file types, other formats are gaining popularity. 
  • Quality: Images should be of high quality, and low in resolution. While a low-quality image might seem like a small setback, it actually has a huge impact on SEO.
  • Alt tags: They define the image on the page and tell browsers what the image is and why it’s there. 
  • Title tags: These are the first words that appear beneath the image, and they should be descriptive and alliterative.
  • Linking to your article: Always link to your article when using a keyword from it in the image’s alt tag.

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HTML and CSS improvements

Your site’s design and code are significant for SEO. While it’s essential to keep your content clean and well-written, your pages’ appearance can impact how well your content ranks. It’s critical to keep your pages’ content of high quality. But it’s also essential to keep your pages’ code clean and well-written. While your content should be a perfect blend of clean code, it will help prevent any issues that could affect your pages’ appearance in the SERPs. Good code practices include:


  • Using tables instead of divs or inline scripting. 
  • Using unique content IDs for each page. This will help you keep track of your content, and Google will likely penalize sites that have duplicate content.
  • Using structured, semantic code. 
  • Removing unnecessary code, like opening and closing script> tags, server-side code, and frames. 
  • Minimizing external script usage. 
  • Using a CDN for better loading times.


SEO is vital for the growth of any business, and cryptocurrency businesses are no exception. The best way to create successful SEO campaigns for your cryptocurrency business is to follow the guidelines outlined above. With these strategies, you can help your site rank better in the search engines and even get your site to the top of the page. 


Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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