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Make Your Heels A Comfortable Wear

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There is no argument about the most gorgeous heels on earth. They must be the pencil heels for sure. We all have a pair of pencil heels in our closet hidden amongst those ethnic sandals for women we bought for comfort. “How to stop heels from hurting” is a popular Google search with 5,20,000 results.

Most of us love heels but dread wearing them due to discomfort and the ache they could cause. Wearing heels for an extended period can have lasting effects on your body. But there are specific tips that can help you wear pencil-heel sandals and be comfortable in them.

  • Gradual Slope

Your feet are, in general, flat, and the body weight is evenly distributed. While wearing pencil heels, the pressure is on the balls of your feet. It is essential to ensure that the body weight is evenly distributed, and this is where the concept of incline comes into play. The incline is measured by the distance between the heel and the sole. Longer the distance, the more gradual the slope, the more comfortable it is to wear. Even a difference of 0.2 inches between the incline of the shoe matters. Go for the gradual slope pencil heel sandals and avoid the nagging pain.

  • Arch Alignment

Your arch must be supported efficiently for you to feel comfortable in your heels. Have you ever tried a pair of heels and had to immediately take them off because they hurt? The arch of your feet and the arch of the footwear weren’t a match. A mismatch causes significant discomfort. Ensure the heels you pick to support your body arch.

  • Silicone Inserts

These inserts will help hold your foot steadily in the heel. This ensures that the foot doesn’t slide in more than needed, and the weight is distributed on the heel and not on the ball of your foot. Silicone inserts give the gift of much-needed relief to heel users. They are handy in all seasons and a must-have for all heels higher than 3 inches.

  • Blister Blocks

You can get blisters from wearing heels initially or after a long time. A common and easy hack is to wear a band-aid or plaster at the back of your ankle. The drawback is it is visible. There is a blister block available from a few brands in the market. Buy one and rub them on the sensitive areas before slipping on the heels.

  • Invest In Quality

The quality of your heel is directly proportional to the comfort they provide. A high-quality heel is made from leather of good quality and breathable material. It helps protect the feet from blisters and slipping away. A low-quality heel is not very flexible and can cut into your feet. Hence, always invest in high quality, and you will not regret the purchase.

  • Tape the Toes

Your toes and balls are the casualties of you wearing heels for long periods of time. You can borrow a hack from the ballerinas. Tape your third and fourth toes. You will notice the difference in the pressure on your feet. It is worth it.

  • Shoe Size

Are you aware that your shoe size can change? It is important that you review your shoe size periodically. Weight gain or loss, childbirth, and getting older are a few reasons why a woman’s shoe size changes. Hence, remember your feet and ensure that you wear the heel of the correct size.

  • Carry Flats

Another common hack, you can carry a pair of foldable flats with you in your bag to work. Once you reach your desk, you can switch them for the pencil heels.

  • Consider the Place

To be comfortable in your pencil heels, you must be aware of where you are to walk in them. If you are going to be walking in gravel or grass, pencil heels must not be your first choice.

  • The thickness of the Sole

More sole between the ball of your feet and ground, the more the comfort of the heel. When there is only a thin sole separating the ground from the feet, the pressure felt is high and eventually causes more discomfort with pain.

  • Take Care of the Pair

More than the ethnic sandals for women, the heels are subjected to more wear and tear. Just like how you take care of other things in your life, you must make an effort to take care of your heels. A well-treated heel remains good to you. Ensure that the leather is conditioned and the heels have non-slip pads at the bottom. The pads can be bought at stores. They play the dual role of preventing a slip and protecting the heel from wear. Not to forget the heel tap. They need to be checked upon too. Do not try mending them yourself. Please take them to a cobbler.

Wal With Your Head Held High

Wearing a pencil heel indeed does some charm to your persona. It gives you confidence, and it is there in the air around you. While ethnic sandals for women spell comfort, a pencil heel spells boldness and confidence. So use the tips you read now to purchase quality products at the best price, wear those stylish heels, and walk around like the queen.


Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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