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9 Metrics You Should Pay Attention to When Starting a Business

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Metrics You Should Pay Attention

Starting a business is a very interesting but challenging process. Owners are required to build a ship and steer it in the right direction. They must recognize every breath of wind to stay away from a reef.

Metrics help you understand how effective your business is in certain aspects. With their help, you will need to spend less effort to achieve success in the long run. This article will tell you about 9 metrics that you should pay attention to when starting a business.

Metric Types

There are two different types of metrics. Growth metric focuses on how your business is developing and how it interacts with the target market. The health metric calculates how your business is doing economically and how efficiently individual elements are functioning.

It is very important to start collecting and analyzing these indicators from the very start of the business. They can be used to create and adjust a business plan. Unfortunately, creating such a database can be time-consuming. For the student to focus on the creation of reports for investors could be difficult, so they can order the “rewrite essay” service from the professional essay writing team.

It’s important to note that some metrics are not appropriate for certain types of businesses. In this case, you have to collect data that suits your business model.

Also, not all Key Performance Indicators are of equal value to a young company. Decide on those who have the greatest impact and start monitoring them. Add new metrics over time to better understand the big picture.

Metric Types

Growth Metrics

Repeat Customers

The foundation of a business will always be based on loyal customers. They are the users who constantly purchase your product. You need to track active buyers to see if they find your product attractive. If customers tend to buy your products and not return for more in the future, this is a sign that something is wrong.

The decline of the repeat customers indicator means that people are not satisfied with your services. In this case, you need to find and fix the problem.


Churn is a similar indicator. It shows how many buyers stop purchasing your product. In other words, it helps you understand how many clients you are losing. Churn rate can be measured by dividing the current number of your customers by the former one.

There are no conditions under which everyone will be happy with the results. You have to come to terms with the fact that you will lose some of the customers. But, if this indicator begins to rapidly change for the worse, you should try to conduct as many interviews as possible with clients who give up on your product. Their feedback will show you how you can win them back or slow down the outflow.

Conversion Rates

Conversion rates help track the success of a given goal. This can include anything from the success of an advertising campaign to getting a new client. It can be calculated by dividing the total number of people who were part of a specific goal by the number of people who actually took action.

For example, you can measure it in your company by tracking individuals who view items but do not buy them versus the successful buyers. By tracking conversion rates, you will immediately understand the effectiveness of your actions.

Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)

This is one of the indicators that help you understand how profitable your business is. It reflects the average amount of money you spend on referring one customer. You can get it by dividing the amount spent on advertising for a certain period by the number of new customers for the same period. The lower this value is, the more successful your company is in terms of marketing.

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

Obviously, you want your customers to spend more money more frequently on your products or services. The more they spend, the more average revenue per user will be. As the name implies, this is the result of calculating how much you get from all of your customers for a certain period, divided by their number.

Average Revenue

Health Metrics

Cash Flow

Cash flow shows the net amount of cash that is transferred in and out of business. It represents a certain time period, usually a month. Money received from business represents inflows, and money spent is called outflows. It is a must-have of any financial accounting. Usually, it is the fundamental value for shareholders.

Cash Runway

The runway is another metric that is commonly used by startups. It shows how much time a company has before it will lose all of its capital. You can get it by dividing a company’s bank accounts by how much it spends per certain period (a month, for example).

Burn Rate

Typically, startups have more expenses than revenues. New companies use the burn rate to monitor the difference. The rate describes the speed at which a company is spending its venture capital to finance overhead before it starts to make positive cash flow.

Profit and Loss Statement (P&L) (Income Statement)

P&L summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses. In other words, it shows the profit and loss of a company for a certain period, usually quarter or month. Total net income is one big number that can quickly give the overall picture of your business.

In Summary

To sum up, the number of metrics to track can be huge. Yet, if you just entered the world of business, it’s better to track the basic aspects that will keep you afloat. As soon as you see that you can manage the basics, you can dig deeper and develop your business on a higher level.


Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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