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NeN lancia un’app per la fornitura di energia proveniente solo da fonti sostenibili

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NeN App 1

NeN, the first enertech player in Italy, launches the app to activate and manage a 100% green supply of electricity and gas. A truly green and sustainable supply, with energy coming only from solar, wind and water sources scattered throughout the country.


The NeN app, available in iOs and Android versions, digitizes the entire experience of activation and management of electricity and gas, starting with the infamous “switch”:  with NeN, in fact, you just need to take pictures with your smartphone. last bill, or upload the one in digital format, to obtain a personalized one-hundredth installment, based on the consumption of each user.  The user, therefore, can proceed with the activation of the service, which works  like a subscription:  the installment remains fixed for 12 months, guaranteeing the predictability of spending for one year.

But what does “ really green ” mean ?  “It’s very simple:  NeN buys 100% of its energy from renewable and made in Italy productions, without carrying out any practice of” greenwashing “,  or  an energy” cleaning “operation, for which it is possible to propose offers” green “even by purchasing energy produced in a non-green way  – explains Stefano Fumi , CEO of NeN This is a very widespread practice in the world of energy: companies purchase securities from renewable production – the so-called certificates of origin or RECs – for a volume corresponding to that of the “gray” energy served to users. We decided not to let you choose: those who subscribe to our unique light offer do so knowing that we will only purchase electricity from the sun, wind and water ».

Furthermore, NeN was built to make the entire energy supply and consumption experience more sustainable, involving the user as well: through the app, the user can monitor consumption at any time and understand from where they arrive, up to obtaining the detail of consumption at the level of a single household appliance; In this way the app will help the user to optimize consumption, helping him to improve daily habits and behavior with a view to saving and responsible use of energy.

«Vogliamo portare nel mondo dei consumi energetici il potere dei dati, con l’obiettivo di abilitare stili di vita più efficienti e sostenibili: stiamo lavorando su dei dispositivi che permetteranno ai clienti di avere accesso, in modo semplice, a dati azionabili sulle proprie abitudini di consumo, in modo da modificare i propri comportamenti verso abitudini più sostenibili  conclude Daniele Francescon, Head of Growth e tra i pionieri di NeN – Enertech per noi vuol dire proprio questo: ci serviamo della tecnologia per favorire un approccio customer-centrico, orientato a far vivere all’utente la miglior esperienza di servizio possibile».

NeN’s 100% green gas and electricity supply service is active throughout Italy: it is possible to obtain a personalized installment in a few minutes on , and manage your service from the app developed for both iOs and Android. 

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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