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Job Skills that Every College Student Needs

Writing, Speaking, Professionalism, and Other Important Knowledge.

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job skills

All college students need to master certain skills in order to be successful in the working world. These include writing, speaking, and a sense of professionalism.

College students choose many different majors, but almost all of them have one thing in common: they all hope to get a job someday after they graduate. Even in difficult economic times, there are a number of important strategies students can use to help get a job after graduation as an online essay writer or something like that, including internships and networking.

However, what many students don’t realize is that careers of all kind require the mastery of some pretty basic skills, like writing and speaking, and that a great internship can’t compensate for lack of proficiency in these areas.

Here are a few critical skills that students need to work on in order to succeed in the workplace after graduation.


Professionalism is kind of a nebulous concept, but basically, it’s the art of behaving in the workplace in a manner that’s dependable and pleasant. These are skills you can work on by getting an internship and other work experience, but what many students don’t realize is that professionalism skills can be developed in the classroom. Being a reliable student is very similar to being a reliable employee. Students can practice professionalism by:

  • turning in work on time
  • turning in quality work
  • interacting politely with professors and students
  • interacting productively in class discussions and group projects
  • paying attention in class (no texting)
  • not missing class unless they have a good reason, and coming to class on time
  • not making excuses, and taking responsibility for poor work or missed deadlines
  • not doing as little as possible to get a decent grade
  • not complaining that the work is too hard or too much

Writing Skills

Many students roll their eyes at those long, boring paper assignments that seem to be little more than busy work. Because they don’t take these papers seriously, they put them off until the last minute, turn in assignments that are little more than drafts, and do as little as they can to get a decent grade.

Unfortunately, solid writing skills are one of the most important skills that students need to develop in order to be successful academic writers. In a competitive marketplace, an employer isn’t going to take an applicant seriously if her cover letter and resume aren’t articulate, and an employee is not going to keep his job if his reports make no sense.

To make sure your writing skills are as solid as they should be, make sure you spend time writing quality class papers, and get feedback from your instructors on how to make them better. Consider taking additional writing classes even if they are not required, and don’t hesitate to visit the campus writing or tutoring center if you need some extra guidance.

Problem Solving

There’s not a career choice out there that doesn’t require employees to solve problems and find creative, effective solutions to problems. Unfortunately, some students grow accustomed to too much handholding in high school and college and aren’t equipped to figure out things for themselves. For example, students learn to rely on study sheets for midterms and finals, as opposed to figuring out for themselves what material is most important for the exam. Or students over-utilize professors by asking for very specific guidance on how to complete assignments, instead of figuring out with minimal guidance how to complete an assignment successfully.

The best way to learn problem solving is to take responsibility for your education. Ask for help when you need it, but you need to figure out how to make things work for you. In addition, don’t shy away from difficult classes, as these challenges may prepare you well for what’s out there.

Public Speaking Skills

Many (if not most) students are nervous about public speaking classes, and avoid taking these classes if at all possible. Unfortunately, most people’s presentation skills are lacking, and this can be quite detrimental in the working world. However, if you’re not satisfied with the quality of these classes, you can always consult experts. At, you can get public speaking coaching provided by current and former TEDx speakers.

Time Management Skills

College is the time to master time management skills, because this task doesn’t get easier in the “real world.” It’s important to start organizing your time carefully and to learn to avoid the urge to procrastinate. If you’re having trouble staying organized, visit the campus academic help center for some tips.

College as Preparation for the Working World

Can college help you prepare for the “real world”? Yes and no. In some ways, you won’t really figure out how to be successful until you get out there. On the other hand, the basic skills you learn in college such as writing, speaking, time management, and problem solving are all things you’re going to need to master regardless of your career choice. Make an effort to excel in these areas before you graduate.


Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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