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Recovering a SQL Database When Protection is Powerless

kokou adzo



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It is the 21st century and information technology is no longer new to humans. It has found its way to all spheres and parts of our activity. Information technology however cannot function without data, therefore data safety has become one of the most exciting and important topics of our time.

Databases are entrusted with the most important task of organizing, storing, and timely provision of a wide variety of data, and when something goes wrong with this database, it can be very devastating. But the Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server is there for a situation like this. It has gained great competence in the field of database recovery.

INTERESTING FACT: Backup is a ubiquitous standard. A sysadmin with the right hands, the first thing to do is set up reservations. However, some copies do not meet the quality standard. After their work, often, you have to recover the database.

Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server – What is it?

Data recovery or database correction may be required in a variety of cases, from the crooked hands of administrators (developers) to emergencies that initiate errors. If any of these happen, SQL Server Repair Tool will recover data, check and fix the errors in the database.

Common Errors that the Program Copes with

  • Error 5172 – Invalid file size property or size;
  • Recovers all objects inside MDF files (triggers, indexes, objects, procedure keys, and others);
  • Collects and recovers SQL database, split into several files;
  • Data export to Microsoft SQL Server;
  • Fixed data and events are saved in SQL as scripts;

Benefits of the Program

There is a lot of software on the data recovery market but Recovery Toolbox for SQL stands out among its competitors with the following properties:

  • Simple and fast installation on all Microsoft platforms (from Windows 98 to Windows Server);
  • Multilingual interface allows you to freely use the program for carriers of different applications;
  • Before data recovery – builds a map of upcoming work, data structure;
  • Knows how to decrypt data encrypted by various ransomware;
  • Convenient interface for viewing MDF files.


All programs or solutions have a flaw as there is no ideal world. The main drawback to the recovery toolbox is the lack of cross-platform functionality. It cannot be installed on Mac, * NIX systems. It however works on other platforms, providing a convenient and simple interface that helps to tidy up databases of any size easily.

Causes of data corruption

Many reasons and actions are leading to data corruption. These include:

  • Developer’s actions on incorrect saving, data selection;
  • Violation of the encoding;
  • Incorrect primary keys break the structure;
  • Lack of backup;
  • Server outages (physical failures, including memory storage failures).

Whatever the reason, data recovery is always divided into two stages:

  1. Determination of the cause;
  2. Recovery works.

Determining the cause of failures helps you choose the right solution to correct the situation, and also allows you to think over a set of protective measures to prevent repeated failures. Restoration works are planned based on reasons. In most cases, standard data recovery tools are enough. For example, a special program Recovery Toolbox for SQL.

How to recover data – step-by-step algorithm?

Typically, a database user or inexperienced administrator asks the search engine the following query “How to recover suspect database in SQL Server” or “How to recover a damaged database on SQL Server”.

Installation of Recovery Toolbox for SQL

The installation of the program starts with downloading it on the official website (here ). The installation file is small, so the download process is fast – there is no need to download the program in advance.

The downloaded file with the .exe extension is launched by double-clicking the left mouse button. In the window that opens, the language for the installation from the future program is selected. In the next step, you will be asked to agree or refuse the license agreement. After consent, the installation will continue.


After that, the installation path is indicated. The program with all additional files, tools, and add-ons will be installed at the specified path. You can specify your path (where all your programs are installed) or leave the default in the system directory for Windows programs.


In the next window it is better not to change anything, just click “Next”. The display on the Start menu is configured here.

Then, the installation process will ask you to decide on the presentation of the shortcut on the desktop and placing the program in the quick (sometimes automatic) launch menu. Check the box next to the “Create a desktop icon” item (responsible for displaying the shortcut on the desktop after installation); click the “Next” button.


The last step before starting the installation is to check the selected parameters. The installation window will contain all the parameters that were selected in the previous steps for verification and confirmation. If everything is correct, click “Install”.


The installer will start the installation, which will be reflected in the progress window.


The successful installation will be shown in the final window, in which you have to click on the “Finish” button. A checkmark next to the “Launch Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server” item means that after clicking the “Finish” button the program will be opened automatically.

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“How to repair suspect database” or simple data recovery?

I have described in detail how to install the software above, now it’s time to move on to recovering the database. The answer to the question “How to fix suspect database” or how to recover the database through our program is simple.

In the main window, select the path to the MDF files of the damaged database. Then press the “Next” button.


ADVICE: If the SQL database is split into several files, select several files at once to build a complete structure and correct data recovery. To do this, in the file selection window, hold down the “SHIFT” key, while holding it down, click on the first and last MDF file.

Before starting the recovery, a special dialog box will once again ask for confirmation of this action.


ADVICE: One more. Before starting the recovery, we recommend copying the damaged files to a separate location. Remember, the reservation rule is the most important rule for any data manipulation. So, you will save yourself from unnecessary worries and mistakes.

Before recovery, Recovery Toolbox for SQL will build a complete database structure, display it on the screen. At this step, carefully double-check the program, dependencies. Whether dependencies, structure, with other objects, were correctly recognized.

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After thorough verification, specify the recovery settings in the next dialog box. These include recovery mode, location for saving corrected files, the file size for splitting into large database files, encoding, and other optional properties.


The last dialog box before starting the file recovery procedure suggests correcting dependencies in the data structure. The program independently installs the necessary dependencies, but it is advisable to double-check its work.


After the algorithm for data correction completes its work, the following dialog box will appear with the results of the work done. The recovery procedure can be considered complete, the database can be checked.

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I would like to note that with the help of the presented program and its algorithms, you can easily and quickly, without special knowledge, recover a damaged database, fix dependencies, indexes, objects, data structure, and its other characteristics.

However, we recommend that you remember the importance of backups. The safety, integrity, and availability of data at any time on demand is the most important criterion that is always taken into account when designing, creating, configuring, filling, maintaining any databases.

In turn, we tried to provide as much as possible all the nuances of working with databases to make our solution for Microsoft SQL Server administrators as simple, convenient, and effective as possible. Installing the program and fixing errors in MDF files is done in just a few clicks.


Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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