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Staying Safe in the Workplace

kokou adzo



Staying Safe in the Workplace

Whether you are working in a high pressure, physically demanding working environment, or you are navigating the complications of working from home for the first time, it is important to remember to stay safe in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Here are some points to consider for those of you who wish to keep an eye on your everyday safety, in order to prevent any potential issues from arising.


Nurturing a healthy work-life balance can be incredibly tough, especially if your career demands that you work consistently long hours. The United States is among the most overworked nations in the world, so it is likely that at some point in your working life you may have been in the unfortunate position of experiencing burnout in your daily work routine.

It can be important to recognize the signs that indicate you may be overworking, in order to counter the negative effects that this can incur. Some of these factors might possibly include:

  • A constant feeling of tiredness – Overworking may result in you feeling drowsy throughout the majority of the day, which can eventually accumulate in serious health conditions including depression.
  • Stress and burnout – A heightened level of stress on a regular basis can harm your productivity in general, along with affecting your ability to sleep and function normally throughout your day.
  • A poor diet – If you find yourself consistently on the go without time for sufficient respite, you might find that your diet begins to suffer. Without access to regular nourishment during your working day, increased levels of fatigue have a chance to manifest.

Ways to Help

Setting boundaries is a good a way of distancing yourself from your work should you need it, which is a good way of preventing you from becoming overwhelmed in the long-run. You can do this by communicating concisely and clearly with your managerial contacts, informing them about your current circumstances.

It can be common to feel as though you do not have the opportunity to say no to a task, especially if you are worried about disappointing someone or falling behind in with your workload. It can be important to think realistically about your individual needs and health in order to ensure that you develop a healthy balance between work and home life.

Sometimes, stress-related incidents and injuries can unfortunately occur as a result of working too hard. If you have had to have time off work due to factors such as stress or depression, it might be worth hiring a lawyer to explore potential directions you can take. You may be able to get the compensation you deserve.

Allowing Yourself Flexibility

By recognizing your carefully set boundaries in the workplace, you may be able to allow yourself a greater sense of flexibility. This can be an important element when it comes to alleviating feelings of oppression and stagnation.

You can achieve this by planning for the future and visualizing your desired outcomes, this can help you find direction, while simultaneously allowing yourself to remain optimistic.


Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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