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5 Top Post Pandemic Travel Trends Revealed

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Post Pandemic Traveling

The Covid-19 pandemic and increased demand for vaccine passes have delayed the opening of exciting luxury holiday destinations. Actually, it’s becoming exceedingly difficult to travel while still unvaccinated, even as many parts are opening up in 2022.

Destinations such as France, Hong Kong, Morocco, Maldives, and more have closed their borders or require Covid-19 negative certification before entering. However, the global panel of adventurers has become more conscientious, and their choices will be directed towards rebuilding the economy.

The following trends are what travel industry players are anticipating in 2022 and beyond.

1.   Supporting Local Businesses

People have put greater efforts into supporting the neighborhood businesses which were negatively hit by the pandemic. Similar efforts are being directed to the travel industry, where locals support boutique-style businesses in their hometowns.

Prior to the pandemic, the Americans had adopted a big trend referred to as voluntourism or giving back to the places they visited. Although the pandemic interrupted the trend, it has begun resurfacing post-pandemic with a different head. Travelers are supporting boutique, locally owned hotels found wherever they’re vacationing.

2.   Putting Wellness First

There is a significant switch to nature-centric experiences because travelers want to destress, rejuvenate and connect with nature during these unprecedented times. In fact, people prioritize self-improvement, thus focusing on meaningful international travel.

People want destinations that give them unforgettable experiences and make them pause and reflect as they connect with these destinations. They want to seek both the local’s and destinations’ well-being as well as connect with the location through sustainability lenses.

3.   Traveling to Celebrate Life’s Important Moments

Family getaways

The reasons for traveling post-pandemic have changed. Many individuals are in search of new and exciting experiences for their honeymoons, get-to-gathers, and wedding anniversaries.

People missed these celebrations in the last two years and are now attracted to more luxurious getaways such as a 14-day Egypt vacation or a trip to Morocco. Others have elevated family reunions to hot spots such as the Caribbean Islands or unique cities in Europe.

Since 2021 the percentage of individuals wanting to travel has more than doubled. With more borders opening worldwide, people can explore unforgettable destinations again.

4.   Increase of Restriction-free Destinations

Traveling is a huge challenge for unvaccinated individuals, and the trend is expected to worsen as the booster programs get underway in several places across the globe. At the same time, international travel will become much easier as the Covid-19 new infection cases reduce and countries relax their entry requirements.

With these new developments, tourist destinations such as New Zealand and Australia, which were completely closed the last two years, will be reopened. Fiji and Vietnam reopened their borders while Japan, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Malaysia are expected to follow suit and allow international travelers.

5.   Increased Demand of All-Inclusive Luxury

The covid-19 pandemic changed the way people traveled and increased its cost too. Today, travelers are required to do Covid tests and complete paperwork that they didn’t do before the pandemic. To avoid this stress, travelers opt for an all-inclusive resort.

Further, the demand for high-end properties that have embraced all-inclusive stays has risen. Actually, wealthy travelers have always enjoyed hassle-free consumption, and all categories of travelers are slowly switching to all-inclusive luxury.


The travel industry has experienced tremendous changes due to the health crisis that affected the entire world. While people will not travel less, they will make their travel time more meaningful. This includes supporting the local businesses, investing in self-improvement retreats, and booking all-inclusive trips.

Kossi Adzo is the editor and author of He is software engineer. Innovation, Businesses and companies are his passion. He filled several patents in IT & Communication technologies. He manages the technical operations at


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