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IT Infrastructure For Startups: 6 Things To Know

kokou adzo



it infrastructure

Starting a business can be an exciting adventure. While it has its share of challenges, adopting proper strategies can help your startup business become a success. For instance, as a startup founder, you’ll need to thoughtfully manage your business resources to ensure a good foundation for growth. That’s where securing a solid IT infrastructure can be critical and beneficial.

Having a good and competitive IT infrastructure can make expansion easier and less costly for your business. It can also help accommodate the growing needs of your business, such as storage space and processing power.

That said, here are some of the things you should know about IT infrastructure for startup businesses.

1. IT Infrastructure Basics

IT Infrastructure refers to all software, hardware, and network components that a company uses to run its business operations. This includes all IT functions used for providing services and managing internal affairs.

Here’s a breakdown of each basic component:

  • Hardware

Hardware refers to all physical components. For example, computers, servers, data storage drives, Wi-Fi routers, mobile devices, network hubs, etc. Hardware is the infrastructure on which software is hosted and runs.

  • Software

All programs such as operating systems, browsers, email, VPN, and security systems fall into the software category. Essentially, the software is what gives the hardware instructions. These are all of the computerized systems that the business runs on.

  • Network

Networking refers to all connections between devices and machines. It enables things such as internet connection and security monitoring. Networking is essential in modern-day business operations.

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2. You Don’t Need To Manage It Yourself

IT infrastructure maintenance can be complex and confusing, especially to those who don’t consider themselves very tech-savvy. Managing such systems might seem like a drag and can become an obstacle for startups.

Fortunately, some companies offer reliable IT support to businesses. Sourcing your IT support from such companies can be a great way to lift the burden and take off responsibilities of you, especially if you don’t have the expertise on the trade or you don’t know how to get started.

Moreover, these companies can help you ensure that your startup business has a good IT foundation and may assist you with growth as needed.

3. Using Cloud Technologies

Gone are the days when businesses needed to host their IT functions and systems in large and monitored server rooms. Cloud computing and storage offer a contemporary solution that allows businesses today to get things running relatively quickly.

A cloud is a physical storage and processing system that is accessed via the internet. In other words, you don’t need to own the physical hardware to host and access your data.

Startups can host almost everything in the cloud. Most cloud technologies are subscription-based and can keep costs down by only charging you for what you need. Furthermore, most cloud services provide built-in security and expansion features.

4. Security

Every startup business, and all companies for that matter, need to implement good security measures on their IT infrastructure. The unfortunate reality is that malicious hackers are everywhere, and startups are at risk of being targeted.

Your IT infrastructure needs protection from hackers and cyber threats such as theft, phishing, etc. This is where outsourcing your IT support may be beneficial. Firewalls and system monitoring should be implemented to ensure that business and customer data stays protected. Not needing to worry about systems security breaches allows startups to focus on growth. It can also be a good measure in ensuring your clients and consumers that their data is safe.

5. Specialized Systems

Remember that as your startup business grows, the need for new technologies will also arise. Most likely, any specialized systems will be hosted internally. Moreover, you can link your internal systems with the cloud, which may allow your startup to get the most out of its IT infrastructure.

For example, if your startup offers walk-in services, it may require the physical hardware and systems to accommodate payments and other in-person customer service requirements. This system could run on internal infrastructure but store all records in cloud systems.

6. Basic Systems

Of course, aside from everything that’s already been discussed, there are certain basic systems that most startups should include in their basic IT infrastructure. Most startups will need the following:

  • Company Email
  • Live Chat Software
  • Voice/Video Conferencing Capabilities
  • Data Synchronization Across Devices
  • Regular Backups And Data Recovery Measures
  • Source Control And Version Control (For Software Systems)
  • Company Calendar For Employees

Each startup will have unique basic requirements, but the things listed here are valuable in building a foundation.


As you can see, solid IT infrastructure is crucial in funning and growing any startup business. To sum things up, IT infrastructure comprises software, hardware, and networking. Managing your IT infrastructure is up to you unless you outsource this service. IT support from an IT solutions company can take care of all the heavy IT problems for you. And finally, IT security is crucial.

Hopefully, the information listed here has offered you some guidance on setting up your business’ IT foundation.


Kokou Adzo is the editor and author of He is passionate about business and tech, and brings you the latest Startup news and information. He graduated from university of Siena (Italy) and Rennes (France) in Communications and Political Science with a Master's Degree. He manages the editorial operations at


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